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Saira Rao
This Is a Form of CENSORSHIP: Mainstream Critics Continue Ignoring Matt Walsh's 'Am I Racist?'
Amy Curtis
Saira Rao 'Genuinely Terrified' by Zionist Doctors Treating Muslim and Black Patients
Brett T.
SJW and Infamous Racist Saira Rao Demands Explanation on Antisemitism Then TRIES Bravely Locking Replies
Sam J.
Saira Rao Sees TIME's Taylor Swift Cover, Tweets About 'White Love of Black and Brown Genocide'
Brett T.
Maddow in Tears! Trump Predicts the Demise of ‘Enemy of the People’ MSNBC and CNN
Stand-Up Guy: Trump Creates Comedy Skit Out of Sleepy Joe Biden’s Inability to Take a Phone Call
He’s Everywhere! ‘Journalists’ Lament Energetic, Omnipresent Trump After Boring Biden’s Catatonic Term
'Are You JOKING?' Justine Bateman BUSTS Karen Bass for LYING About Protecting Laurel Canyon From Floods
Dr. Jordan Peterson DROPS uber-harpy Saira Rao for latest 'white people are bad' tweet and it's GLORIOUS
Sam J.
Drew Holden uses CNN story on Saira Rao's white lady anti-gun march to illustrate how MSM cover for progs
Sarah D
Racist Saira Rao's new group gets hundreds of white women to demand Colorado gun ban
Brett T.
Saira Rao uses 2nd Amendment's racist roots to prove 'white supremacy is #1 killer of white kids'
Sarah D
Antiracist SJW Saira Rao has a handy checklist to help you figure out if you're a fascist in 2023
Sarah D
SJW nutball Saira Rao BLASTED for saying you have to be racist or else you're a racist and WAAAAT?
Sam J.
TIME gives space to 'malignantly toxic racist clown' Saira Rao
Brett T.
NYT bestselling author Saira Rao observes that white people wake up every day and choose violence
Brett T.
Twitter sweetheart Saira Rao declares that 'if you are a Republican, you are a Nazi'
Brett T.
Saira Rao says that seeing the American flag makes her want to vomit
Brett T.
We hope you enjoy this delicious compilation of 'all the gullible libs who fell for the Jussie Smollett hoax' as much as we did
Sarah D
Saira Rao finds it remarkable that 'white Americans freak out about 'Muslim terrorists' while they buy hotdogs and ice cream for 'white terrorists'' like themselves
Sarah D
'Private support is violent': Saira Rao begs white people to stop sending private messages of support
Brett T.
Anti-racist SJW Saira Rao informs white people that nonwhite friends who don't 'regularly [challenge] your whiteness' probably 'don't trust you'
Sarah D
Blue-check Saira Rao unravels the motive behind the Atlanta-area massage parlor shooter: 'Whiteness is terrorism'
Brett T.
Anti-racist SJW Saira Rao seems annoyed that Amy Coney Barrett's whiteness isn't her 'defining characteristic'
Sarah D
WHOLE new level of cray! Ratio Queen Saira Rao's take on white people not 'writing Black characters' is one-of-a-kind STUPID
Sam J.
Saira Rao calls WaPo contributor a 'white male supremacist' after he included Frederick Douglass on his list of 'non-trash' things about America
Greg P.
SJW Saira Rao (who's gotta be a parody) makes FOOL of herself tweeting, then deleting, terrifying experience seeing CHEAP guns
Sam J.
Attention all liberal white women! For just $2500, you can get berated in person for your inherent racism by Saira Rao
Sarah D
Blue-check troll racks up 3,000 likes claiming Trump murdered every passenger on Ukrainian airliner
Brett T.
Woke or INCEL? SJW sweetheart Saira Rao calls white women the greatest villains of ALL TIME and HOO-BOY look at that blowback
Sam J.
Racist troll explains how her former friends would do anything for her but give up their whiteness
Brett T.
Saira Rao says ALL white people must accept and internalize that Donald Trump is one of them
Brett T.
‘Bigot alert’! Blue-checked SJW Saira Rao tells 'white folks' their minority friends ACTUALLY think they're racist and YEAH NO
Sam J.
Eating their OWN! Ratio queen and SJW Saira Rao goes after Ruth Bader Ginsburg and actually pisses Lefties off (tee-hee!)
Sam J.
The twitter-famous blue-check racist Saira Rao invites a dialogue with supposed racists and is promptly white-washed with ratio
Brad S.
Totally sane blue-checked SJW says white people in America are literally trying to scare 'Brown or Black' people to death
Sarah D
'Bigot alert'! Blue-checked SJW Saira Rao thinks Twitter needs 'a mute all white women button' ASAP
Sarah D
GOOD NEWS! We found the Queen of ALL Ratios in blue-check 'columnist' who openly hates white people, men, American flag, etc.
Sam J.