As Twitchy reported earlier today, Colin Powell (who endorsed Barack Obama in part based on race) attacked the GOP as a bunch of raaaaaaaacists for using raaaaaaaaacist “code words” to appeal to raaaaaaaaacist voters.
Obviously, none of us wants to be branded a racist. You already know not to say the obvious epithets. But you’re probably wondering what “code words” Powell considers unacceptable.
Worry not. Thanks to the trending hashtag #ColinPowellCodeWords you can now access a ready-made list of subtly racist code words that must not be uttered.
Twitter user @GayPatriot got the ball rolling:
And with that, conservatives were off and running:
#ColinPowellCodeWords choom gang
— Vandelay Ind (@Chinofiuf) January 13, 2013
Black Friday #ColinPowellCodeWords
— ☪ Resist Tyranny ☪ (@ResistTyranny) January 13, 2013
#ColinPowellCodeWords. Weapon of mass destruction.
— Galyn Jensen (@Galynjen) January 13, 2013
#ColinPowellCodeWords High Unemploymemt
— No Name, No Slogan. (@Fenway_Nation) January 13, 2013
#ColinPowellCodeWords You People!
— Low-Rentz (@YiddishSteel) January 13, 2013
#ColinPowellCodeWords EBT card
— AverageJoe (@Sparks2142) January 13, 2013
#ColinPowellCodeWords poor leadership
— Vandelay Ind (@Chinofiuf) January 13, 2013
#ColinPowellCodeWords Empty suit
— Vandelay Ind (@Chinofiuf) January 13, 2013
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