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Russian collusion
So Much for Objective Journalism: Jake Tapper Basically SCREAMS at J.D. Vance During Heated CNN Interview
Amy Curtis
Evil Witch Hillary Clinton, Queen of Russian Hoaxes, Calls for Jailing Americans for 'Misinformation'
Amy Curtis
John Harwood Claims Donald Trump Is Trying to Help Vladimir Putin Conquer Ukraine
Brett T.
CNN Announces Promotion of Natasha 'Fusion GPS' Bertrand
Brett T.
Maddow in Tears! Trump Predicts the Demise of ‘Enemy of the People’ MSNBC and CNN
Stand-Up Guy: Trump Creates Comedy Skit Out of Sleepy Joe Biden’s Inability to Take a Phone Call
‘Hatch’ Act: Elie Mystal Goes on Race Rant Blaming White People for Trump and the Price of Eggs
He’s Everywhere! ‘Journalists’ Lament Energetic, Omnipresent Trump After Boring Biden’s Catatonic Term
Rep. Adam Schiff Worried About Top-Secret Binder That Vanished Under Trump's Watch
Brett T.
Comey the Clown reacts to Durham Report, gets dragged (video)
Aaron Walker
Glenn Greenwald examines new poll showing the 'disinformation' campaigns aren't working
Brett T.
CNN's Jake Tapper notes that DC is an accountability-free town, remains silent on his accountability-free network
Brett T.
MSNBC's Joy Reid reminds us that some stolen-election conspiracy theories are more equal than others [video]
Sarah D
CNN's Oliver Darcy is disgusted that Fox News is treating the Eric Swalwell/Chinese spy story like it's as big a deal as Russian collusion
Sarah D
AP reporter reminisces about witnessing four years ago the peaceful transition of power from Obama to Trump
Brett T.
Drew Holden shames the Hypocrisy Hall of Famers who pushed the Russian collusion story
Brett T.
'Where were your ethics before': New York Times columnist shares some self-reminders for covering leaked material
Brett T.
Dems and media are due for 'a reckoning' over the Russia collusion narrative — and Drew Holden's just the man to deliver it [screenshots]
Sarah D
'Apologies are in order': Drew Holden absolutely blisters Dems, media, and blue checks over Spygate in damning, receipt-filled thread
Sarah D
Rep. Adam Schiff and his 'evidence' called out by Kayleigh McEnany, who blasts the media for their 'lack of journalistic curiosity' over #Obamagate
Brett T.
'The American people deserve answers': Mitch McConnell says 'Senate Republicans are taking steps to' move forward in 'Obamagate' investigation [video]
Sarah D
'Mitch, I love you, but…': President Trump says McConnell needs to 'get tough and move quickly'
Brett T.
'Deliberately misleading': Byron York takes WaPo's BOMBSHELL headline about Russia not being a hoax APART and it's glorious
Sam J.
MSNBC contributor says the journalism excellence you relied on during Russia is in full effect now on Rachel Maddow's show
Brett T.
Chris Wallace: Potential crimes in the FISA application don't mean entire Russia investigation was fraudulent
Brett T.
Oh FREDO! Chuck Ross breaks out puppets and crayons to explain exactly WHY Russia collusion was just a hoax to Chris Cuomo
Sam J.
'Such a TERRIBLE liar': Undercover Huber's thread spells out yet ANOTHER lie Andrew McCabe told about Lisa Page
Sam J.
Brit Hume, Bret Baier, Hugh Hewitt team up to dissect that big New York Times scoop on Australia
Brett T.
New York Times scoop on President Trump 'pressing' Australia's PM for help isn't really a bombshell
Brett T.
MEDIC! Sean Spicier's tweets about House Judiciary interviewing John Dean and Russian collusion cause Lefties to blow a gasket
Sam J.
Trump directs intelligence agencies to cooperate with investigation into origins of Russian collusion hoax
Brett T.
Doing it WRONG! Resist-DOLT Scott Dworkin's desperate attempt to keep Russian collusion hoax alive with #PutinsGOP BACKFIRES
Sam J.
With the Mueller report finally submitted, Hillary Clinton speaks out — about climate change
Brett T.
Columnist at The Bulwark tries gaslighting readers on the Steele Dossier and is dissected in an epic thread
Brad S.
Sharyl Attkisson also wonders where the Russian collusion story went before #ElectionDay
Brett T.
MSNBC's Chris Hayes pivots back to Russia, admits collusion charge is a big 'if'
Brett T.
TIME correspondent hosts ratio party at his place after responding to another Trump 'witch hunt' tweet
Brett T.
Hugh Hewitt explains why top DOJ chief's sudden resignation is a big deal
Brett T.