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NO DUH! Damning Thread Shows DEI Training Makes People See Non-Existent Racism and Bias
Amy Curtis
OH THE FRAGILE WHITE IRONY: Anti-Racist Robin DiAngelo Plagiarized Minority Scholars in 2004 Dissertation
Amy Curtis
Bad Faith: Church of England Archdeacon Calls for 'Anti-Whiteness' and 'Smashing' the Patriarchy
Amy Curtis
So NYU held a months-long antiracist workshop for parents and only white people were allowed to be there
Sarah D
Shocking Rumor Circulating Senator Thom Tillis is a 'NO' on Hegseth Possibly Sinking His Nomination
WATCH: Donald Trump Turns Over Mic to North Carolinians STILL Suffering From Hurricane Helen
Day Two: DeSantis' Team Schools Media on Shocking Concept ... Words Mean Things
Follow the Money: RandoLand Exposes Why Catholic Bishops REALLY Oppose Trump's Immigration Enforcement
DAFUQ? LOL! Bethany Mandel shares Slate 'Care and Feeding' letter from white 'Anti-Racist Mom' upset by her 2-y-o not CARING about white fragility
Sam J.
'I am for all of you white b*tches dying like flies': Gentleman and scholar proudly proclaims his support 'for the white genocide' [videos]
Sarah D
'Yes, we continue to lie': Admin in Indiana's largest school district reveals 'what we mean when we tell you that we aren't 'teaching' [CRT]' [video]
Sarah D
MUST READ: Free Beacon's Aaron Sibarium fully exposes Yale Law's diversity director for pushing insanely racist, antisemitic diversity trainer on students
Sarah D
Ontario's 9th grade math curriculum is decolonial, equitable, and emphasizes the need to challenge systems of power and privilege
Brett T.
NEA votes to budget an extra $56,500 to 'research the organizations attacking educators doing anti-racist work'
Brett T.
NY teacher explains that anti-racism means never having to say you're sorry (because apologizing is a product of 'white dominant culture') [video]
Sarah D
Newsletter: Much of what will be taught in kindergarten will be foundational thinking about being anti-racist
Brett T.
Anti-racist workshop teaches University of Oklahoma instructors how to clamp down on students who might start to think independently [video]
Sarah D
Let's hear it for Governor Blackface! NYT going 'ga-ga' over Ralph 'Coonman' Northam calling him 'anti-racist' is BEYOND obnoxious
Sam J.
NPR critic thinks 'it's time for Tom Hanks to be antiracist' and do more to dismantle 'ideas of white American exceptionalism and heroism' in film
Sarah D
You'd think that anti-racist prof Ibram X. Kendi's would have a much better 'personal definition' of racism than whatever this is [video]
Sarah D
NBC News' dizzying spin on Texas voters rejecting Critical Race Theory is 'perfect example of how wildly biased the media can be about an issue'
Sarah D
Ibram X. Kendi finds it hard to believe that a cop would have used lethal force on knife-wielding Ma'Khia Bryant if she'd been wealthy and white [video]
Sarah D
'Justice has convicted America': CBS News invites 'anti-racist' Ibram X. Kendi to lecture us all on 'transforming this nation' in the wake of Chauvin trial [video]
Sarah D
Prog Dem Rep. Ayanna Pressley argues that 'you can't be anti-racist if you're anti student debt cancellation'
Sarah D
Doctors advocate for 'a proactively antiracist agenda for medicine' even though offering preferential care based on race may elicit legal challenges
Brett T.
'How to Be an Antiracist'? 'The New Jim Crow'? The Navy's suggested reading list for sailors has some pretty woke titles
Brett T.
Anti-racist Prof. Ibram X. Kendi capitalizes on massage parlor shootings with grossly intellectually dishonest show of solidarity with Asian Americans
Sarah D
Report: Teachers and others compile a list of parents to expose them publicly for opposing critical race theory
Brett T.
'Try to be less white': Images from Coca-Cola employee training explain what it takes to be less ignorant
Brett T.
'What if we blew it all up?' Self-described 'educator' proposes replacing capitalistic relics like grades, tests, and subjects with 'an antiracist system'
Sarah D
Blue-checked 'antiracism educator' fires up his gaslight to prove Matthew McConaughey is lying about the 2016 election (it doesn't go well)
Sarah D
Piece explains how white women read books like 'White Fragility' and voted for President Trump anyway
Brett T.
San Diego public schools find alternatives to traditional grades in order to be anti-racist
Brett T.
Apologetic Ohio State professor pledges to undergo the 'long process of antiracist learning' after publishing pro-football piece
Brett T.
Call us crazy, but it really seems like anti-racist professor Ibram X. Kendi is trying to stir up racial outrage — and ignorance — in America
Sarah D
'Woke anti-racism is child abuse': Man details havoc the 'soul-destroying American 'skin game' is wreaking on his biracial family in absolutely devastating thread
Sarah D
Billionaire media mogul Oprah Winfrey says 'whiteness' gives white people an advantage 'no matter' what
Brett T.
HOLY SH*T! That anti-racist's RACIST swipe at Candace Owens just got EVEN WORSE
Sarah D