Outgoing New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio really puts the “lame” in “lame duck.” He’s just lame. Also ignorant and pompous and power-hungry.
That’s why even though he’s not going to be mayor for much longer, he’s as determined as ever to make New Yorkers’ lives — ideally all Americans’ lives — as abjectly miserable as possible.
And he couldn’t be prouder:
.@NYCMayor De Blasio defends vax mandates: “Human beings are pretty predictable. If you say, ‘Your paycheck depends on it, or your ability to enjoy life, and go do the things you want to do,’ people will make the practical decision … but we’re not pushing hard enough" pic.twitter.com/ufYk2NAipg
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) December 17, 2021
Harder! Stronger! Faster!
“Human beings are pretty predictable” says the guy who, in eight years as mayor, was perpetually outpaced by events. https://t.co/HHRRZkrmYF
— Luke Thompson (@ltthompso) December 17, 2021
Says the guy who doesn’t seem to have noticed all the New Yorkers who have fled to freer cities.
A mandate isn't leadership. Convincing people is leadership. A mandate means the leader has failed. https://t.co/bEktovC0A4
— jimtreacher.substack.com (@jtLOL) December 17, 2021
Excellent point.
People respond to fascism but how can we be fascistier?
— Follow @TheKevinDalton (@KevinUncensored) December 17, 2021
“If we hurt and coerce you well enough, you’ll feel like the choice was yours!” https://t.co/miS0n3wGQv
— Kate Hyde (@KateHydeNY) December 17, 2021
“My client did not commit an armed robbery, the teller simply made a practical decision to give him the money when the knife was held to her throat”
— 🐶 The Hunters 🐶 (@OutOfKenTroll) December 17, 2021
“If you put your foot on someone’s neck, they’ll make the practical decision,” is certainly one way to approach being an elected public servant.
— Gina (@ginana13) December 17, 2021
Always believe them when they tell you who they are
— Dr. Måjestyk (@wretchedcretin) December 17, 2021
He’s told us over and over again. We know exactly who he is.
true Authoritarian.
— Tom (@Tomnolastname) December 17, 2021
De Blasio takes glee in being a sanctimonious tyrant who abuses people-
In another era, he’d have been the KGB Chief across the table from political prisoners, angry at them for wasting his time with their refusal to sign confessions for crimes they did not commit https://t.co/0hMwaOHDGy
— Buck Sexton (@BuckSexton) December 17, 2021
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