Let’s just get this out there now: as a general rule, it’s a bad idea to draw comparisons between current events and Nazi Germany or the Holocaust. Dr. Anthony Fauci is many things — a power-hungry, narcissistic egomaniac, for starters — but he’s not a Nazi.
That said, NBC/MSNBC national affairs analyst John Heilemann chose an an absolutely revolting line of argument to protect Fauci from Republican and conservative critics (many of whom, it’s important to note, have found effective ways to criticism without invoking the Nazi era).
MSNBC’s Heilemann: Republicans trash Fauci because they don’t want Covid to go away.
“If people follow Fauci, there’s a likelier chance that Covid will go away. And if Covid goes away, it ’s bad for Republicans. The political math on this, it's not hard to figure out.” pic.twitter.com/1mbWygeXQS
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) December 2, 2021
We can’t help but be reminded of disgraced former Democratic Rep. Alan Grayson, who famously — or infamously — contended that Republicans were against Obamacare because they wanted people to die.
It’s offensive on a human decency level. But it’s also offensive by just being straight-up stupid and insane.
Riiiiiight. https://t.co/CBTcGOi8Ex
— Nathan Wurtzel (@NathanWurtzel) December 2, 2021
Bizzaro world. https://t.co/l5mP6XPCIp
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) December 2, 2021
We’ve been listening to Fauci for years now and things haven’t gotten better.
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. https://t.co/Rr7tCQFTm4
— Prison Mitch (@MidnightMitch) December 2, 2021
This is the dumbest and most incorrect thing I have ever heard https://t.co/BynthPOiKD
— Jon 🔬 (@JonnyMicro) December 2, 2021
It’s a hall-of-famer for sure.
Says “they all sit on a panel and nod at each other” while they’re all sitting at a panel and nodding at each other. Can’t make this stuff up.
— Philanthropist (@Philip_Jay420) December 2, 2021
They don’t realize that they’re the ones who aren’t willing to exist in reality.
— Vince Coglianese (@VinceCoglianese) December 2, 2021
Welp, that’s awkward.
I keep telling you, MSNBC is not tethered to reality.
You can basically take anything said on MSNBC and assume the opposite is true and you'd be correct about 98% of the time. https://t.co/foe5qdebjR
— RBe (@RBPundit) December 2, 2021
If you’re still saying like “Covid will go away” than you are spinning or living in a false reality and I don’t have to listen to you.
— Alisa S. (@a_suzette_e) December 2, 2021
Misunderstanding or intentionally dishonest? Republicans are saying Covid isn’t going away so let’s learn to live with it and go back to normal. Dems still think we can control it. Why are we so bad at understanding the other side? https://t.co/Y2GZJGeKYb
— Andrea Howe (@andreavhowe) December 2, 2021
He is correct in that the political math is not hard to figure out. He's wrong on everything else. One side wants it to be 2019, the other wants Brave New World.
— Tony Mazur (@TonyMazur) December 2, 2021
I swear to god…all of their talking points are projection.
— Matthew Young (@mcy0283) December 2, 2021
this is textbook "confession through projection" https://t.co/3nb5Tzd4zO
— workinglate (@Workinglate) December 2, 2021
This is pretty hilarious. I’ve rarely seen such blatant projection like this. 😂😂😂😂 https://t.co/cvCrxkk5eD
— Pajamas It Is (@HeckofaLiberal) December 2, 2021
This guy is playing 3D chess… against common sense and himself.
— Brian Guy (@brianguy714) December 2, 2021
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