Where would we be without CNN star fact checker Daniel Dale? A lot less informed about Donald Trump lying to us about gas prices, that’s for damn sure.
In one Fox interview this week, Trump said gas was $1.87 when he left office. In a second Fox interview, he said it was $1.83 or $1.86.
The actual national average at the time was $2.39: https://t.co/HhZEPMMALt
— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) November 25, 2021
Wow. Busted!
And Donald Trump thought he could get away with it. Not with Detective Daniel on the case!
Fact Check: everybody pays the “national average” price.
That’s just Science. https://t.co/MyjaEwZ41l
— Probably Mulder’s Intern’l House of Pandemicakes (@banishedprotein) November 26, 2021
Got 'im.
Hey, how much is it now, Daniel? https://t.co/grEo78u8Il
— 🎅🏻jimtreacher.substack.com🎄 (@jtLOL) November 26, 2021
Good fact check. How much is gas now?
— Joe Colangelo (@Itsjoeco) November 26, 2021
Okay now do today. https://t.co/4WB7n3okWl
— todd (@tsturk8) November 26, 2021
You are an imbecile.
Instead of focusing on Trump why don't you focus on the price of gas today compared to 11 months ago. https://t.co/Jyt6kmLqBd— Phineas J Whoopee (@j_whoopee) November 26, 2021
Wow. Great journalisming. Totally makes the $3.94 I paid on my drive to see family for Thanksgiving better knowing this.
— Ron Klain RTs (@RonKlainRTs) November 25, 2021
Joe Biden is a world-class gaslighter. Jen Psaki, too. Between the two of them, Dale should have more than enough fact checking fodder to keep him busy. And that’s not even factoring in the rest of the Biden administration and all the Democrats.
But instead, he’s focused like a laser on … Donald Trump. Know something, Daniel? Here’s a fact for you: right now, we’d gladly take the $2.39 a gallon that Donald Trump didn’t take responsibility for over the outrageous, skyrocketing prices we’re stuck with on Joe Biden’s watch.
This complete tool. pic.twitter.com/1kp5xZNp5z
— 🎅🏻jimtreacher.substack.com🎄 (@jtLOL) November 26, 2021
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