A couple of days ago, Robert Reich voiced his frustration that two senators can single handedly block progress on a slew of policies supported by the vast majority, i.e. 48 out of 100 senators.
What does it say about the system that two senators can singlehandedly block progress on a slew of policies supported by the vast majority?
— Robert Reich (@RBReich) September 29, 2021
Fellow unhinged socialist Bernie Sanders took his outrage even further today, complaining that the will of a minority of legislators in both houses of Congress isn’t being respected by the majority.
2 senators cannot be allowed to defeat what 48 senators and 210 House members want. We must stand with the working families of our country. We must combat climate change. We must delay passing the Infrastructure Bill until we pass a strong Reconciliation Bill.
— Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) October 1, 2021
With thought leaders like Robert Reich and Bernie Sanders spouting this ridiculous talking point, is it any wonder that it’s catching on in the media?
Here’s MSNBC’s Ari Melber with a white-hot take of his own:
"Look at the Senators who are making these decisions here… Manchin, less than one percent of the U.S. is what he represents. Sinema, just about two percent… and yet they hold all the power right now," @AriMelber on the clash in Congress pic.twitter.com/yP6jpyRPUW
— The Beat with Ari Melber on MSNBC 📺 (@TheBeatWithAri) September 30, 2021
If we were Ari Melber, we wouldn’t be promoting our own ignorance as to how things work. But then, we’re not Ari Melber.
Oh, golly!
— FSakes (@FSakes1000) October 1, 2021
Yes, that's how the Senate works. That's how the Senate has always worked.
— jimtreacher.substack.com (@jtLOL) October 1, 2021
Tell me you failed U.S. civics without telling me you failed U.S. civics https://t.co/WPXjQy7hUB
— Jon Christenson, STS 🦬 ☕ (@Melanchthon61) October 1, 2021
Why do you continue to gaslight your viewers with this crap? Anyone who took and paid attention in 7th grade civics understands how the Senate is structured in relation to the House and how they are elected.
— Doctor of Coding Thinkology (@bradcundiff) October 1, 2021
Not only are 52 senators out of 100 not in the minority, but every state has the same number of senators regardless of population. Yes, even West Virginia and Arizona.
Bernie Sanders represent less than 0.2% of the US population if we're going with this stupid metric.
Also, ur literally mad that 2% of the US Senators represent 2.6% of the US electorate.
Even by ur own stupid standards, this is dumb. https://t.co/xnrh808ssQ pic.twitter.com/LsG1a3wyu9
— Andrew Follett (@AndrewCFollett) October 1, 2021
And Vermont! Practically nobody lives there, yet Bernie Sanders continues to have a job and a voice and platform. How fair is that, Ari?
Do the other 50 GOP Senators not exist? https://t.co/HASlqpzp1M
— Bonchie (@bonchieredstate) October 1, 2021
MSNBC has curiously ignored the other 50 senators who are agreeing with the two mentioned. https://t.co/OxU5zePgDV
— Drew Holden (@DrewHolden360) October 1, 2021
Not so curious if you consider where the media get their talking points from.
Someone who studied the American legislative process with @imillhiser 🤡🤦♂️ https://t.co/RNimh6PvyT
— Ill Mannered Neanderthal 🇺🇸 (@wakeari60) October 1, 2021
Reminder: these are not serious people we’re dealing with.
No! the correct graphic is
Joe Manchin: Represents 1 U.S. State
Kyrsten Sinema: Represents 1 US State
This brand of intelliectual dishonesty is why this country is so divided.
YOU are the ones gaslighting us! https://t.co/yMRoDF9Kpu
— Rage Against The Vaccine (@Machovell1an) October 1, 2021
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