Texas’ heartbeat law is in effect, and that means that it’s even open-er season on pro-lifers. Because people who want to protect the unborn are the real enemy in this scenario.
But not all pro-abort arguments need to be rooted in outrage. Maybe humor would be a better approach.
That’s where The Onion comes in:
Frustrated Gunman Can’t Believe How Far He Has To Drive To Find Nearest Planned Parenthood Clinic https://t.co/Ar2RbnhMTG pic.twitter.com/LWz1N8KNRm
— The Onion (@TheOnion) September 3, 2021
Get it? Because pro-lifers are the ackshual killers.
LOL so funny. https://t.co/EydB5BecPK
— Nathan Wurtzel (@NathanWurtzel) September 3, 2021
We’re slapping our knees over here.
See, it's funny, because some people think that only the gunman is a murderous monster, and not the docs performing hundreds of abortions, snuffing out innocent life as their day job.
— Senator Tim Whatley (no anti-dentites, please) (@senator_tim) September 3, 2021
It’s definitely tasteless, but The Onion still deserves credit for accidentally stumbling upon the right message.
So your point is that killing is wrong?
— Ky Zou (@KyZou2) September 3, 2021
Oh, you got that, too? Seems like The Onion isn’t as successful as they wanted to be, but who are we to tell them how to do their job?
What's really funny is that the entire premise of this pro-Planned Parenthood satire is 'killing people is wrong.' https://t.co/6DimECgVH0
— Mark Hemingway (@Heminator) September 3, 2021
So this new law prevents the murder of both babies and adults? Man it just keeps getting better! https://t.co/W4JraZOJmh
— Confirmed Miscer ⚔️🍁🔫 (@ManDaveJobGood) September 3, 2021
Doesn’t it?