Human Rights Campaign alumna Charles Clymer now does communications for Catholics for Choice.
So, when Clymer disputed pro-life activist Abby Johnson’s contention that God is male:
So, let me get this right: you're saying that because God presents and identifies as male, we should respect his decision and use the appropriate pronouns without regard to any supposed scientific reasoning?
— Charlotte Clymer ?️? (@cmclymer) March 1, 2021
It made sense that Catholics for Choice’s official Twitter account would support Clymer’s position.
What makes less sense is Catholics for Choice’s explanation:
┃┃╱╲In this
┃╱╱╲╲ house
╱╱╭╮╲╲ we respect
▔▏┗┛▕▔ pronouns and the right to bodily autonomy.
For God's pronouns and identities are respected, so shall be those of his children.
╱╱┏┳┓╭╮┏┳┓ ╲╲
▔▏┗┻┛┃┃┗┻┛▕— Catholics for Choice (@Catholic4Choice) March 1, 2021
Y'all are clowning today.
— #AbortTheState (@Pro_life_NRCHY) March 1, 2021
Hardcore clowning.
Aside from contradicting themselves and Clymer by saying “his children” as opposed to, say, “their children,” there’s the whole being-more-committed-to-pronouns-than-to-life thing.
In this house, we pretend that Catholics should care more about personal pronouns than the lives of the unborn
— Alexandra DeSanctis (@xan_desanctis) March 1, 2021
LOL to you, pronouns are more important than not killing people. "Your brother's blood calls out to me from the ground" — God
— Gail Finke (@gailfinke) March 1, 2021
You keep using that word, catholic. I don’t think it means what you think it means
— (((Aaron “Worthing” Walker))) (@AaronWorthing) March 1, 2021
This message brought to you by the delusional self-absorbed folks who believe Christ is cool with abortion.
— dei gratia (@JackoEdward) March 1, 2021