Watch out, Joe Manchin. Don’t get too comfortable, Kyrsten Sinema.
AOC’s goons are comin’ for you:
Scoop: Co-founders of Justice Democrats and ex-AOC aides @saikatc, @corbintrent, @zackexley are setting their sights on Senate Democrats. They’re launching a search for challengers to WVa Sen. Joe Manchin and Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema w/@hollyotterbein
— Laura Barrón-López (@lbarronlopez) February 2, 2021
No Excuses PAC, led by the trio of progressives, is targeting Manchin and Sinema over their opposition to eliminating the filibuster
“Help us find the next AOC to replace Manchin and Sinema," No Excuses PAC will write in an email to supporters today
— Laura Barrón-López (@lbarronlopez) February 2, 2021
Help ’em out!
— kaitlin, holy RINO batman (@thefactualprep) February 2, 2021
This is a great idea with no obvious potential to backfire spectacularly
— Alex Griswold (@HashtagGriswold) February 2, 2021
haha I’m a progressive but you have to know you audience. Someone left of Manchin won’t win in WV
— Tim J (@IHATETIMJONES) February 2, 2021
So, they're trying to flip the Senate back to the GOP. Brilliant.
— LAB ??? Politics (@LABPolitics) February 2, 2021
I’d say there’s no possibility these people are this shortsighted and self-defeating, but there’s every possibility.
— Varad Mehta (@varadmehta) February 2, 2021
They are likely to find, as the Tea Party did before them, that it is a very different thing to oust a Senator than win some House races.
Also, neither of them are up until 2024. Seems it's more about influencing some votes like the filibuster now.
— Drew McCoy (@_Drew_McCoy_) February 2, 2021
That seems to be the explanation they’re going with:
Manchin/Sinema aren't up till '24 and WVa, AZ are red and purple states. Trio behind No Excuses PAC & their former group Justice Dems haven't flipped any red seats. But No Excuses says they want to pressure the Sens before 2022 when Dems could lose control
— Laura Barrón-López (@lbarronlopez) February 2, 2021
But there’s actually an even simpler explanation for what they’re doing:
No, it's about {donate here}
— Space Lazar Wolf (@NathanWurtzel) February 2, 2021
Sounds about right.
Lol that's 100% a grift. Trying to challenge Manchin is literally insane. And who knows about Sinema, but it's 4 years from now, and those funds are gonna be used to pay the staffers bills, not challenge these Senators.
— Eggymceggerson – 46 Stan Account ? (@Eggymceggerson3) February 2, 2021
And as they are not up until 2024, it's a scam.
But hey, why should I get in the way of my opponents grifting their own supporters?
— Space Lazar Wolf (@NathanWurtzel) February 2, 2021
We’d hate to mess with a good thing.
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