If you’re like us, you’ve watched with a combination of morbid curiosity and outright annoyance at the Washington Post’s downward trajectory over the past several years.
And if you’re like New York Times media columnist Ben Smith, you’ve been living on Earth 2.
After WaPo executive editor Marty Baron announced his retirement yesterday:
Washington Post executive editor Martin Baron announces his retirement https://t.co/MCcVnn4rSv
— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) January 26, 2021
This was Smith’s take:
The revival of the @washingtonpost over the last decade is one of the really great stories in US journalism. https://t.co/p6TQO33hR8
— Ben Smith (@benyt) January 26, 2021
If that’s been one of the really great stories in U.S. journalism, then U.S. journalism is in even worse shape than we thought.
— Ben McDonald (@Bmac0507) January 26, 2021
— Thomas Parker (@TheThomasParker) January 26, 2021
— Smatt (@mdrache) January 26, 2021
— Oilfield Rando (@Oilfield_Rando) January 26, 2021
Like, how can you not laugh?
Maybe the most astonishing tweet of the year so far, by the NYT's media columnist. https://t.co/mN91MK5sXh
— Mark Glennon (@GlennonMarkE) January 26, 2021
Just amazing.
My personal favorite was buying a multimillion dollar super bowl ad just to tell everybody how amazing they are.
Definitely the peak
— Oilfield Rando (@Oilfield_Rando) January 26, 2021
tHe rEviVaL oF tHe @washingtonpost oVeR tHe LaSt dEcAdE iS oNe oF tHe rEaLLy gReAt sToRiEs iN uS jOuRnALiSm. pic.twitter.com/k1j2ZY90gQ
— Oilfield Rando (@Oilfield_Rando) January 26, 2021
Ah. May. Zing.
— Mainstream Conservatism (@msconservatism) January 26, 2021
Democracy Dies in Fits of Uncontrollable Laughter.
The media, every effing day: pic.twitter.com/WQeUD0cORX
— Physics Geek (@physicsgeek) January 26, 2021