On today’s episode of “Non Sequiturs with Bette Midler”:
An unheard of 115 degrees in France, one of our allies, and Mr Trump is only interested in putting tanks on the Mall for his salute to himself July 4th. I am so ashamed.
— Bette Midler (@BetteMidler) July 2, 2019
It’s hot in France … so Donald Trump shouldn’t have tanks at the Fourth of July parade on the Mall? You don’t have to be a fan of military parades or think that the tanks are necessary here, but come on.
Bette, I love you, but can you correlate how one has to do w the other?
— GIJane (@GIJaneAZ) July 2, 2019
She thinks Trump controls the weather apparently
— AnthonyG89 (@AG_Chronicles) July 2, 2019
He's supposed to change the temperature in France? That would be quite the trick
— DanCarrier (@DanCarrier11) July 2, 2019
I didn't know President Trump could control the weather ??
— AnthonyG89 (@AG_Chronicles) July 2, 2019
Ya, he should invest in huge air conditioners for the country.
— Motherly Incorrect (@MomIncorrect) July 2, 2019
The heat wave in Paris is Trump’s fault? You are certifiably batsh*t whacko crazy!
— CliveEndiveOgiveIV (@ClivetheClubGuy) July 2, 2019
Uhm, what is he supposed to do? Although he thinks very high of himself, I doubt that he can fix the temperature in France…
(Mind you, I hate the guy too, but this one I don't understand)
— Linda (@linnas79) July 2, 2019
It’s actually pretty simple: Bette Midler is what happens when your TDS goes untreated.
TDS must be so exhausting.
— Maddish MAAT (@maddishmaat) July 2, 2019
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