Next time an abortion proponent tries to tell you that “we are all pro-life,” show them this:
This PBS documentary airbrushes abortion to make it look like some healthy new age practice.
The women in blue is pregnant with twins and she is filmed here taking the abortion pill to kill them. You witness their killing?
And her statement at the end is chilling.— Obianuju Ekeocha (@obianuju) June 3, 2019
Chilling is right.
"Thank you for the gift of life, but no thank you! I am going to destroy you! "
— Vivianne Hoskinson (@Hoskinsonviv) June 3, 2019
Almost exactly what she said. Chilling to the core.
— Robert Craft (@robertjcraft) June 4, 2019
What the absolute hell did I just watch. That actually gave me the shivers what she says at the end.
— Brandon Morse (@TheBrandonMorse) June 4, 2019
Holy crap that end statement
— Ashe Schow (@AsheSchow) June 4, 2019
And how about the alleged physician waxing poetic about the “great procedure” that is medical abortion?
"The pregnancy tissue," oh my.
— Sampson (@jonathansampson) June 3, 2019
Said the “doctor” who went to med school. “Push the pregnancy out”.
— Obianuju Ekeocha (@obianuju) June 3, 2019
I am stuck on the words "pregnancy tissue". #abortionisnotthealthcare and those abortion providers strategically withheld crucial information on what the procedure actually does and what that "tissue" consisted of. So sad.
— The Science Doc (@TheScienceDoc) June 4, 2019
Whatever happened to “First do no harm”?
That is so disturbing. Amazing how cool and calm they all are about killing two humans. Wow.
— David ? (@VrianSinth) June 4, 2019
What struck me here is that the women in blue spoke the truth. She could have spoke in cliches and euphemisms but she owned it; she is taking two lives because the time is not right for her. It is chilling.
— Mitchell Scott (@ScottsOriole) June 3, 2019
That made me physically ill for a moment.
— ᴅᴇʀᴇᴋ (@pixelprotectors) June 3, 2019
This video breaks my heart
— Shelia Jones (@shedjones) June 3, 2019
This is so sad
— Lori (@LoriDeas7) June 3, 2019
It is SO IRONIC to me that she calls this pregnancy "a gift of life" and knowingly ends 2 lives? She speaks so lovingly of those babies & KILLS THEM?? come soon, Lord!
— Meg (@Watwood6pack) June 3, 2019
Pray for that woman — and for all the women who walk into that so-called “women’s center.”
May God have mercy on her soul. And ours.
— Dr. Laurel Shaler (@DrLaurelShaler) June 4, 2019
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