Ira Madison is a TV writer for a Netflix show, not to mention a host on Crooked Media, so you know that you can expect quality takes and valuable insight from him. Last night, he once again demonstrated that he’s got a lot to bring to the table:
When you’ve never taken a film class
— Ira Madison III (@ira) May 20, 2019
When you’re so woke that you reveal yourself to be an elitist jackass.
when ur brain is so warped from being extremely online that u have to dunk on some guy with 100 followers for the crime of really liking a shot on a tv show so u can get the dopamine rush from those sweet sweet likes
— your pal andy (@andylevy) May 21, 2019
Seriously, what is Ira trying to prove here, exactly? That he’s better and more brilliant than a random guy who happens to like a shot in a TV show?
When you've never heard of being nice.
— Kelly (@kelbwagner) May 21, 2019
Haha, people enjoying things.
— Blandy (@BlandyIT) May 21, 2019
I thought the episode was sexist and bad and a little gross, but honestly it’s kind of questionable that you’re using your platform to dunk on a rando. I checked the guy’s twitter, he gets one like on a tweet if he is lucky, so I can’t help but feel this is punching down
— JoeyGregJoeyJr. Productions Official (@iadoretiger) May 21, 2019
Way to be mean and a dick about a shot a dude liked. It's a great, cool shot. Probably one of the very few positives of that episode.
— Ismael Santos (@DoctorMToboggan) May 21, 2019
Imagine liking a thing. This'll teach that rube.
— Rocket Punch Radio (@RocketPunchRDO) May 21, 2019
Wow, you sure got him! ?
— Cherry Pi (@B_stealmyheart) May 21, 2019
Ha ha you sure showed him! Good thing you screenshotted it, in case he tries to delete it, or protect his account, or ever escape from this moment of (checks notes) praising something he really liked.
— Mark O'Wokeness (@Solvang84) May 21, 2019
God forbid anyone have a moment of happiness on this forsaken hell site.
— Nanners (@9VoltBanana) May 21, 2019
Oh no random dude not hurting anyone thinks a shot is cool and should be more common. Better get everyone to make fun of him
— Orange Muppet Energy (@sunnyright) May 21, 2019
“Oh no, somebody liked something. Better make fun of him!” Good job all around people, you got him good.
— Yasin Yildirim (@hyytheconqueror) May 21, 2019
Lol yeah enjoying something is so lame, draaaaaagggg hiiiiimmmmmm
— Spencer Dukoff (@SpencerDukoff) May 21, 2019
This is the perfect Twitter example of someone liking something and someone else needing to ruin it for him to feel big. Congrats.
— Maren (@MissMaren5) May 21, 2019
You’re being a jerk here.
— EducatëdHillbilly™ (@RobProvince) May 21, 2019
That’s kind of his M.O., actually:
ok, that's low, but considering some of his previous tweets…
— Jeryl Bier (@JerylBier) May 21, 2019
He has a long and illustrious history of being a garbage person:
- MTV culture writer tells Jeff Sessions to return his Asian ‘prop’ to ‘Toys R Us’
- ‘Take a bow’! MTV jerk defends racist attack on Sessions’ granddaughter, looks even worse
- Shocker! MTV writer’s attack on Sessions’ granddaughter wasn’t his first racist rodeo
He’s got so much to be proud of.
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