As Twitchy told you, Christine Quinn informed Chris Cuomo’s viewers that “when a woman gets pregnant, that is not a human being inside of her.” We all had a good laugh at her idiocy, but the full exchange is not funny at all:
The entire segment is worse. @ChrisCuomo comes out on Quinn's side and basically is arguing that abortion is fine because it's legal.
— Andrew Kugle (@AndrewJKugle) May 7, 2019
That’s not an exaggeration. Watch:
Here is the entire abortion segment on CNN. @ChrisCuomo clearly took a side on this debate and it wasn't the pro-life side.
— Andrew Kugle (@AndrewJKugle) May 7, 2019
Chris Cuomo and Quinn pooled their collective brain cells to team up against Rick Santorum for accurately representing Ralph Northam’s despicable pro-infanticide remarks. And then Cuomo had the gall to try to shame Santorum as a bad Catholic.
Cuomo: "Nobody" said that after a baby is born "they decide whether or not to execute it."
Santorum: "The Governor of Virginia said it."
Cuomo: "One person said something stupid and you want to make it something to use for your advantage… it's not square with your religion."
— Caleb Hull (@CalebJHull) May 7, 2019
After 8 minutes of interrupting @RickSantorum, Cuomo ends the CNN interview by calling him a liar, shaming him as a Catholic, and then cutting off his mic to say he "respects everyone's opinion on [abortion]."
— Caleb Hull (@CalebJHull) May 7, 2019
Remind us again, Chris, whose good Catholic brother ordered that the spire at One World Trade Center be lit up in pink to celebrate the passage of a radical late-term abortion bill (a bill that, we should reiterate, offers no protections for babies born alive after botched abortions). It wasn’t Rick Santorum’s.
Gee I wonder why Chris CUOMO would be so virulently defensive about this?
— Cʜɪᴢᴀᴅ (@AUChizad) May 7, 2019
What a disgusting exchange — but an illuminating one.
Entire framing of this discussion is great example of media bias. Cuomo takes Quinn's side against Santorum and notes the "rule of law" on abortion … So progressives should hang it up on guns? Campaign finance? On any number of laws they want to change?
— David Rutz (@DavidRutz) May 7, 2019
Editor’s note: This post has been updated with an additional tweet.
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