What happens when a reporter who doesn’t root for a side definitely roots for a side but doesn’t want people to think she roots for a side? CNN’s Brooke Baldwin found out the hard way when she weighed in on the New Zealand government’s promised new gun control measures:
.@BrookeBCNN: “Notice how quickly New Zealand is taking action on guns?…In America, it’s just the opposite. Instead of coming together … each side runs back to its partisan corners. … It is a crisis in America no matter which side you’re on." https://t.co/Wbl0cv5n2T pic.twitter.com/QLIRKaIDt5
— CNN (@CNN) March 18, 2019
But Brooke only seems to have a problem with one side’s “partisan corner.” If she had her way, the left side would take all the “action” on guns.
Incredibly stupid take.
— Rob Olive (@LibertyRob) March 18, 2019
The 2nd amendment is the farthest thing from partisan as you can get. It is part of something that allows for there to ‘BE’ partisan opinions.
— Shyster19 (@McJesus1919) March 18, 2019
Of course CNN is taking the side of gun control as they always do. https://t.co/TvgRi1e0Ar— Kris Kinder (@kris_kinder) March 18, 2019
And yet, even her lame attempt to mask her gun control advocacy as a “both sides” problem isn’t good enough for gun grabbers:
Oh look, more both sides nonsense from @CNN. What a surprise.
— EP Pollaert (@epollaert) March 18, 2019
By "partisan corners" do you mean that one side proposes varying degrees of gun laws (from minor changes to major changes and everything in between) and the other side refuses to even have the conversation? What a bad caption…
— Not A Lawyer (@usurperjonsnow) March 18, 2019
lol yes "both sides" are holding gun reform back…truly brilliant.
— C.L. Branch (@boriskrunch) March 18, 2019
Brooke – we are on the side of not dying. They are on the side of selling guns and ammo.
Please stop with this ridiculous framing.
There is only one right side and it ends the bloodshed.
— Call Congress 202-224-3121? (@KsKM3) March 18, 2019
Brooke the party holding gun reform back is the gop. Dems are pushing for it and have been. This isn’t a both parties problem. This is a one party problem.
— Matthew Dowd (@matthewjdowd) March 18, 2019
Enough with the “both sides” garbage. Democrats want to address the issue, republicans offer thoughts and prayers
— Matthew Reyes (@MattReyes619) March 18, 2019
Wrong: One side tries to make common sense changes and the other side sows fear and gives only thoughts and prayers as a solution.
— Rmarl (@MarlattRichard) March 18, 2019
Um… one side wants to do what New Zealand is doing… which you literally praised in the same f***in' sentence so clearly this isn't a "both sides" thing. Gawd you people are utterly, utterly useless hacks!
— Jacob F. Keller, I Presume (@Jacob_F_Keller) March 18, 2019
Partisan corners? You mean one corner that’s solution-based and another that ignores reality.
— Andrew Johnson (@BrickJohnson) March 18, 2019
No. Just stop the both sides idiocy. It's one side. The NRA and gun worshippers side that's won't be reasonable and come together.
— jacqueline conrad (@jhadleyconrad) March 18, 2019
Whoa……one side runs to the side of greed, money and darkness.
Another side wants to do what is right.
There is no middle ground here on the banning of assault rifles.— GROGAN (@GROGAN1975) March 18, 2019
Once again CNN slides into both-sideism when the evidence clearly shows only one party unwilling to enact the kind of measures that is being praised in NZ. No wonder Trump is president. News media is constantly failing in its job.
— Parvez Ahmed (@parvezahmed) March 18, 2019
Each side runs back to it's "partisan" quarters? FFS. After every mass shooting the NRA/GOP says it's too soon, thoughts & prayers and it's time to arm teachers & more guards. (Buy more guns) All Dems do is try to close the fking loopholes. That's partisan? God, I hate stupid.
— Debra Notachance (@DebraTweets) March 18, 2019
This is why I no longer watch CNN.
— #CowGenocide ?? (@pauligirll) March 18, 2019
Was it worth it, Brooke?
How about no? Ana Navarro thinks the US needs to take a page from New Zealand’s book on this issue
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