George Takei was evidently born yesterday. Because we’re not sure how else to explain this hot take he recently shared:
No one would bat an eye if an entertainer said they'd have voted for George Bush. Vocal support for Trump, by contrast, stirs backlash because he has attacked our communities, our institutions, and our values. We are not in ordinary times. They demand we all take a clearer stand.
— George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) April 23, 2018
Beg your pardon?
— Joel (@Jamisen) April 24, 2018
Yeah … we’re gonna stop you right there, George.
"No one would bat an eye if an entertainer said they'd have voted for George Bush.". Revisionist history can be fun.
— ¯_(?)_/¯ (@beerboyeee) April 24, 2018
This is total and utter crap of the highest order. There are literally THOUSANDS of Hollywood staffers who lived in fear of being found out as Bush supporters.
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) April 24, 2018
The only people who don't think voting for Bush would have caused similar, if not identical, backlash were born after 2008.
— Karol Markowicz (@karol) April 23, 2018
— Kathleen McKinley (@KatMcKinley) April 23, 2018
Yup. Do you remember the aftermath of the 2004 election when people posted pics of themselves holding “I’m sorry” signs apologizing to the world for their dumb countrymen?
— Thomas Galvin (@ThomasGalvin) April 24, 2018
Oh I do. That so many don't is confusing.
— Karol Markowicz (@karol) April 24, 2018
Utter nonsense. The left equated Bush to Hitler, called him a war criminal, and labeled him a racist after Katrina. Let us not pretend supporting Bush was ever okay with the lefty dominated entertainment industry. You just didn't have the twitter mob back then.
— Harold Stickeehands (@StickeeNotes) April 24, 2018
You cannot be serious. Remember Bushitler?
— Chris Cornwell (@jccornwell) April 24, 2018
I still remember Bushitler.
— Avi Woolf, WTF Conservative? (@AviWoolf) April 24, 2018
Correction: It was Chimp Bushitler.
— RBe (@RBPundit) April 24, 2018
Huh. Really not how I remember it.
— Jonah Goldberg (@JonahNRO) April 24, 2018
Us either.
Editor’s note: This post has been updated with additional text and tweets.
FFS: Shania Twain is trending because liberals are pissed she said she would have voted for Trump
‘Another scalp’: Shania Twain APOLOGIZES after lefty outrage mob attack
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