America … how does it work?
Not like this, Governor Hickenlooper. Not like this:
Hickenlooper: "If your President decides something, you have to support it… if it's a matter of National Security" #copolitics
— 9NEWS Denver (@9NEWS) November 18, 2015
C’mon, Hick.
@9NEWS What is wrong with you?
— GeorgiaSportsReport (@GaSportsReport) November 18, 2015
@9NEWS Is he high?
— David (@808to818) November 18, 2015
That’s one possible explanation. Another more likely one is that he just doesn’t know what the hell he’s talking about.
@9NEWS pathetic .. No we don't have to support it.. Unlike Loopy the rest of us can actually think for ourselves
— Renegade Cowboy?? ?⚓️??? (@Rene_gadeCowboy) November 18, 2015
@9NEWS No we don't! Especially if we don't agree with it!
— Rick Jones (@Rick_jones76) November 18, 2015
— Charles C. W. Cooke (@charlescwcooke) November 18, 2015
Well Johnny, if the president jumped off a bridge does that mean you'd do it? @TacGnome0 @9NEWS @hickforco #copolitics #theyarechilden
— terriblezdog (@terriblezdog) November 18, 2015
@9NEWS What nonsense.
— Cooper's mom (@rwgranny) November 18, 2015
@9NEWS I thought dissent was the best form of patriotism? Oh right that expired Jan 20, 2009
— Jambu Shambu (@jambu_Shambu) November 18, 2015
@9NEWS Are we now a dictatorship??
— Cynthia Brier (@cbrier40) November 18, 2015
@9NEWS @hickforco isn't qualified to be dog catcher with that statement.
— Ron (@RonCrouch) November 18, 2015
Parting question:
@9NEWS Where was this attitude when Bush was President?
— Jean Tuttle (@waffle721) November 18, 2015
Well, Hillary certainly didn’t subscribe to it …
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