This is highly problematic, you guys:
Jeremy Renner says sharing his salary information with female co-stars is 'not my job'
— Business Insider (@businessinsider) October 21, 2015
Jeremy Renner says it's not his job to help female costars get paid:
— Entertainment Weekly (@EW) October 21, 2015
Business Insider asked Jeremy Renner, who also starred in “American Hustle,” if he would also be willing to negotiate alongside his female co-stars on future projects. He also was paid more than Adams and Lawrence for his role in the film, according to a Sony email leaked during the hack on the company.
“That’s not my job,” Renner said, while taking part in an intimate press day on Tuesday for the new “One Life/Live Them” campaign he’s doing for Rémy Martin Cognac.
Adding he fully supports actresses receiving equal pay as actors, he said he’s more focused on his craft than what everyone is making.
Naturally, the Outrage Brigade is flipping their lids:
Jeremy Renner is an ass. Please go away.
— Mel de Quevedo (@paprikacrocante) October 21, 2015
Jeremy Renner’s face perfectly matches his whack ass opinions and that’s all there is to say about that.
— Saeed Jones (@theferocity) October 21, 2015
Jeremy Renner, asshole.
— Daniel Fox (@danudey) October 21, 2015
In other news, Jeremy Renner: still kind of a dick who's not very good at talking to people about things. Shush now, son. Just shhhhh.
— Susannah Nix ✨ (@Susannah_Nix) October 21, 2015
Why is Jeremy Renner so problematic? First the black widow comment, now this? What a jerk.
— Sara ⚔?? (@writtenbysara) October 21, 2015
jeremy renner is a problematic ass
— aala almousa. (@axalmousa) October 21, 2015
I was laying in the middle of the street bleeding badly. #JeremyRenner walked over and told me it was not his job to call an ambulance.
— Andrew Wright (@AndrewW77626044) October 21, 2015
Really, #JeremyRenner? "It's not my job?" Seriously, that's the argument for not defending your fellow citizen's right to equal pay?
— Lydia Suffield (@lydiaenigma) October 21, 2015
Oooops. Jeremy Renner has made himself unpopular. Not taking a stand for your female co-stars? Not cool, bro. Equality is everyone's job.
— Denise Anna (@DeniseAnnaa) October 21, 2015
I wish Mark Ruffalo could like sit Jeremy Renner down, give him a good bitch slap & then tell him how not to be an asshole.
— Galarian Cormorwraithe (@Remi_Rogers) October 21, 2015
Hey Jeremy Renner, it's not your job to be a decent human being, oh wait. @ghostwritingcow
— one of many pumpkin* ? (@jambery) October 21, 2015
why does jeremy renner always disappoint me bitch how am I supposed to enjoy hawkeye knowing an asshole plays him
— Georgia (@gothmssirens) October 21, 2015
Jeremy Renner is a dickhead.
— Emmeline Spankhurts ? (@MmeEmmeline) October 21, 2015
I hate that asshole Jeremy Renner plays Hawkeye. Clint Barton is so awesome, and Renner is the fucking worst. #plzrecasthim
— Cee ✨? (@tnhcee) October 21, 2015
He's an asshole. RT @EW: Jeremy Renner says its not his job to help female costars get paid:
— Robert Scott Bean (@TheWorldOfRSB) October 21, 2015
when will everyone open their eyes and realise jeremy renner is sexist trash
— connie (@colivcr) October 21, 2015
Praying for Kate Bishop to take up the mantle of Hawkeye post Civil War b/c Jeremy Renner is literal trash.
— ?????? (@Neil_McNeil) October 21, 2015
@EW wow trash Jeremy cancelled
— K (@antiszayn) October 21, 2015
@EW it's indeed not you're job, but that means you can't help someone? What a shitty statement this was.
— banditø (@trealmoli) October 21, 2015
someone please stuff a sock into jeremy renner's mouth
— ☆ (@lipfilm) October 21, 2015
.@EW no it's his job as a human being to advance equality and not act like an entitled ass
— Kacie Henderson (@KacieHenderson) October 21, 2015
It's also not your job to be a prick, @Renner4Real, but you seem to have no trouble moonlighting as one on the side.
— Jay Thomas (@ThisJayThomas) October 21, 2015
Jeremy Renner is such a turd.
— erin (@ErinKys) October 21, 2015
Jeremy Renner is a piece of shit why must they reduce Clint to be played by a piece of garbage
— negro matapacos stan acc (@boldlygaying) October 21, 2015
Jeremy Renner continues to be a useless misogynist waste of oxygen.
— Jessica Price (@Delafina777) October 21, 2015
you're absolute scum @Renner4Real #UNFOLLOW
— rhianon // saw endgame (@sebftevans) October 21, 2015
fuck jeremy renner
— ? (@starkpotts_) October 21, 2015
Lol Jeremy Renner is the biggest fuckboy on this planet
— Quinn (@kwincrumb) October 21, 2015
Can Jeremy Renner and his ugly, plastic, disgusting face fuck off.
— annie (@snarkwars) October 21, 2015
Too bad these doofuses apparently didn’t take the time to, you know, read what Renner actually said. They could’ve saved themselves a lot of wasted breath and wrist-flapping.
Because not only is Renner not wrong, but he’s pretty darn logical about the whole thing:
@EW And he's right. That's the job of her agent.
— BigGerm72 (@PoliSnark2Day) October 21, 2015
@EW he's right. These women have agents that are paid for the express purpose of getting then paid more.
— Count Gregula (@GregTheRipper) October 21, 2015
I fail to see the controversy here. It's not @Renner4Real job to worry about what JLaw or anyone gets paid. Stop being so damn sensitive. ?
— Michael (@TheMikeAnthon) October 21, 2015
Why would that be Jeremy Renner's job? You're not even supposed to discuss coworkers salaries at my job! What a non controversy
— Matt Dawson (@SaintRPh) October 21, 2015
There you go!
i love that people are making huge character judgements on Jeremy Renner just because he said he was going to focus on what he's good at.
— mingye zhu (@fenrysk) October 21, 2015
Good for him.
— Princess Consuela Banana-Hammock aka Kimberly (@conkc2) October 21, 2015
Jeremy Renner continues to be unapologetic and awesome.
— NeoN: Automataster (@neontaster) October 21, 2015
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