In other words, these clowns can’t cut the mustard:
It's #NationalHotDogDay! DYK the avg hot dog vendor likely makes < $9/hr? Let's reward work & #RaiseTheWage:
— US Labor Department (@USDOL) July 23, 2015
Just the sort of brilliance — and fun-loving spirit — we’ve come to expect from the federal government!
For such a highly skilled position? Tragic.
— SFK (@stephenkruiser) July 23, 2015
Vending hot dogs isn't worth more than $9 N hour. Sorry.
— Stephen Gutowski (@StephenGutowski) July 23, 2015
I bet robots can make hotdogs….
— Princess Consuela Banana-Hammock aka Kimberly (@conkc2) July 23, 2015
If he owns his own cart, he's probably being taxed at 50% of income. Which is worse?
— Fredo N. Twittur (@fredontwittur) July 23, 2015
How freaking much should a hotdog cost?!!!
— Nieds Dead Horse (@NDH_j_m_f) July 23, 2015
@USDOL @WhiteHouse How about "Raise Your Qualifications" and you can work yourself into better/higher wages?
— Debbie (@DebsFriends) July 23, 2015
DYK the Dept of Labor, like most of the fed govt, is a drain on the economy and just sucks money from your paycheck?
— demonsheep (@demonsheep) July 23, 2015
DYK the Dept of Labor is filled with money sucking leeches who provide the tax payers and hot dog vendors no value?
— demonsheep (@demonsheep) July 23, 2015
DYK the Dept of Labor is responsible for billions of dollars in regulatory costs to business incl hot dog vendors?
— demonsheep (@demonsheep) July 23, 2015
DYK the Dept of Labor is responsible for ensuring soul sucking Big Labor operates w/ protection of the Fed Govt?
— demonsheep (@demonsheep) July 23, 2015
To be frank (get it?), we like this idea much better:
Instead, just lower our taxes. Deal? @USDOL
— jon gabriel (@exjon) July 23, 2015
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