Shorter Nancy Pelosi: America is hard.
As Jeryl Bier at The Weekly Standard reports, while addressing the Center for American Progress last week, Pelosi forgot that the Constitution is not, in fact, the Declaration of Independence:
Transcript via TWS:
“And so, it was 165 years ago, 165 years ago. Imagine the courage it took for those women to go to Seneca Falls and do what they did there, to even leave home without their husband’s permission, or father’s, or whoever it was. To go to Seneca Falls, and to paraphrase what our founders said in the Constitution of the United States: they said the truths that are self-evident, that every man and woman, that men and women were created equal and that we must go forward in recognition of that.”
Bier also notes that the transcript posted at Pelosi’s website omits the gaffe. Funny, that! Funnier still? Mockery:
Ladies and gentlemen, the Constitution according to Nancy Pelosi:
#NancyPelosiConstitutionQuotes "We the Elites"
— Darth Deplorable ⚡️ (@jameslfregosi) September 24, 2013
#NancyPelosiConstitutionQuotes My grandson says there's something called the Constitution.
— Prindigo (@Prindigo) September 24, 2013
#NancyPelosiConstitutionQuotes Is it the 11th Amendment…. 14th???….can I get an amendment over here please?!?!?!
— Daniel Snyder (@danmsnyder) September 24, 2013
#NancyPelosiConstitutionQuotes BQHATEWVR
— Gringo Suave ?? (@2009superglide) September 24, 2013
#NancyPelosiConstitutionQuotes The right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed unless you own a gun or something.
— Artist_Angie: Sensei of Sarcasm (@Artist_Angie) September 24, 2013
#NancyPelosiConstitutionQuotes… to form a more imperfect union.
— Leslie (@Libertarian_ish) September 24, 2013
freedom to fleece ignorant voters and enrich myself. Oh, sorry, that's just for me. #NancyPelosiConstitutionQuotes
— Physics Geek (@physicsgeek) September 24, 2013
Please listen to all options as our menu has recently changed. Your call is important to us. #NancyPelosiConstitutionQuotes
— Mr Odell Hayes (@WOODROWNGUS) September 24, 2013
#NancyPelosiConstitutionQuotes "Congress shall make no law" is just a suggestion
— Prindigo (@Prindigo) September 24, 2013
#NancyPelosiConstitutionQuotes The Constitution is a living document…how else could we kill it?
— Amy הינדה ריפקה (@HindaRifka) September 24, 2013
We hold this truth to be self-evident: Nancy Pelosi is a dolt.
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