Spoken like a true Chicago politician! Obama to Ohio voters: "Voting is the best revenge." Revenge?
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) November 2, 2012
Unbelievable. At a rally today in Ohio, our president had this to say to his audience:
When did this kind of menacing rhetoric become acceptable? Conservatives couldn’t believe their ears:
Voting best Revenge? what the hell is Obama talking about… Revenge for what? Revenge for daring to run against him?? Good God..
— albert thai (@washbar) November 2, 2012
2nd Term? Dangerous. RT @michellemalkin Spoken like a true Chicago politician! Obama to Ohio voters: "Voting is the best revenge." Revenge?
— Gina Maria (@Ginabeans22) November 2, 2012
WHAAAT???!!!! RT @michellemalkin: Spoken like a true Chicago politician! Obama to Ohio voters: "Voting is the best revenge." Revenge?
— sarahcoates (@sarahcoates) November 2, 2012
WOW. just… wow. Obama: "don't boo. VOTE. Voting is the best revenge" uhh…. revenge for what?? against who??
— Linlee (@LinDuBard) November 2, 2012
Obama: "Voting is the best revenge." For what? You sucking royally at your job?
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) November 2, 2012
“@michellemalkin: Spoken like a true Chicago politician! Obama to Ohio voters: "Voting is the best revenge…” His true colors keep showing.
— Sir Guy of Gisbourne ? (@SirGuyGisbourne) November 2, 2012
@noellenikpour – Obama speaking in Ohio says "voting is the best revenge" on Romney – revenge? Really? This is a good President?
— Chris Leggatt (@ChrisLeggatt) November 2, 2012
That's Obama's civility. He talks about voting being the best "revenge". Revenge for what? Honesty?
— Staci Elms (@stacikate) November 2, 2012
So #OBAMA wants to harm some American's? Obama to Ohio voters: "Voting is the best revenge." Revenge?— Garibaldi (@garbones) November 2, 2012
Unifying RT @markfelsenthal: Obama tweaks his usual "don't boo, vote," line to add, "voting's the best revenge."
— Andy Lancaster (@andylancaster) November 2, 2012
Pres captures the essence of what he's about, not bringing us together, but getting even. Fox Nation http://t.co/F9kKuSSL
— GC⭐⭐⭐ (@etf13) November 2, 2012
OBAMA just now—"Don't Boo, just vote. Voting is the best revenge."—
REVENGE???? -Thank you Mr. Uniter! #WAR #LNYHBT #TCOT #TEAPARTY— ???? Miguelifornia ⭐⭐⭐ (@michaelbeatty3) November 2, 2012
Obama to Ohio voters…"Voting is the best revenge." Revenge? How's that for hope and change?
— Ryan Hart (@TieflyRy) November 2, 2012
Really?! Nothing like a little rhetoric like that to bring folks together. Obama: 'Voting Is The Best Revenge' http://t.co/jKmNQG3l
— House of Gurn (@jeffgurner) November 2, 2012
Obama says "voting is the best REVENGE" … Very presidential of you, asshole
— JenerationXer❣️ (@PolitiKellyRite) November 2, 2012
If what President Obama wants from this country is vengeance, he’ll get it in the form of conservatives exercising their right to kick him to the curb after four years of running this country into the ground:
#Obama says, "Voting is the best revenge!" in Springfield, #Ohio! Make SURE 2 use his words AGAINST him! #Vote #RomneyRyan2012
— John Stickley #???? (@JHStY) November 2, 2012
Obama just said, "voting is the best revenge." If that is true we know what to do. #VoteHimOut
— D. Shane Dismuke (@Shane_Dismuke) November 2, 2012
"Voting is the best revenge!"~ Pres. Obama Yeah, well you got that right, cubby. Serious payback for the last 4 years on Nov. 6th.
— Manny Laureano (@MrPrincetrumpet) November 2, 2012
#Obama to Ohio: "Voting is the best revenge." So Vote Him OUT! #Romney #VoteRomney
— nick&tony (@nicktony3) November 2, 2012
Pack your bags, Mr. President.
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