The feisty actress will be appearing this fall on “Dancing with the Stars: All Stars,” and, well, it turns out she might have a few things in common with co-star Bristol Palin. Alley, a self-described Democrat, took to Twitter today to — gasp! — call out the lapdog media and to encourage people to take responsibility for “muddling through the B.S.” to “find the truth”:
perhaps..& just a suggestion, we stop voting because of "one " personal interest in "one" issue & look at the overall picture..dumb right?
— Kirstie Alley (@kirstiealley) August 31, 2012
I would like to thank several of you for acknowledging me being: A. bat shit crazy..B. being a Commy…C. being a fucked up mess..HOLLA 😉
— Kirstie Alley (@kirstiealley) August 31, 2012
We can't FEAR other people's views.. we needn't embrace them but we might actually learn doesn't kill us..lack of it can
— Kirstie Alley (@kirstiealley) August 31, 2012
It's OUR responsibility to some how muddle through all the BS and find the truth..BIG job, little time=God help us all..;)
— Kirstie Alley (@kirstiealley) August 31, 2012
@kirstiealley Me too! I fear you'll get hate tweets for not going with the flow with the lefty loonies! Sooo proud of you!
— Shelley D J Stokes (@sdjstokes) August 31, 2012
Alley did take some heat for her independent thinking:
@kirstiealley watched Clint & thought it was inappropriate.That's not based on liberal media.It's based on what I saw with my own baby blues
— Your Reality Check (@UrRealityCheque) August 31, 2012
Fact checkers? Like Stephanie Cutter, perhaps?
Ah, yes. Death threats. We’d expect nothing less from the misogynistic Left.
Overwhelmingly, though, the responses were supportive:
@kirstiealley @jwdoke just because someone is a registered Dem/Repub. doesn't mean they always have to vote for that party. Thinking is good
— Cheryl (@fallingleaves) August 31, 2012
@kirstiealley god forbid someone speak the truth! This country is about diversity & 2 many forget that! Just as 1may have beliefs & expect
— Hockey Mom (@Hockeymom295) August 31, 2012
@kirstiealley thanks for speaking out. We need a change ubfortunately
— Brenda Cook (@bmcook71) August 31, 2012
@kirstiealley I'm neither Rep or Dem, the vote should be based on issues not the candidate's color or religion. I agree learn about both.
— jan koza (@jakoza1) August 31, 2012
@kirstiealley I am a Republican and I would have to say I agree with most of that list.(not sure what the tax you mentioned is….)
— Becky Payne (@bpayne78) August 31, 2012
@kirstiealley I heart your thinking
— ✨Sara de Hymel ✨ (@sclh) August 31, 2012
Perfect! RT @kirstiealley: a few things I want..low Medical ins.-consumption tax-no deficit-MORE jobs-less Welfare-MORE charity-LESS gov
— TV-aholic (@TV_aholic) August 31, 2012
@kirstiealley you are so awesome! Speak the truth girlfriend! Love u!
— Mandy (@punknun) August 31, 2012
@kirstiealley <3 that. You're a thinker!
— Tari (@uncommentari) August 31, 2012
@kirstiealley @jwdoke I'm not a Republican or a Democrat… I'm an American and I approve this message…
— Rick Stanley (@RickAtNyte) August 31, 2012
So, what’s Alley looking for in a political party?
Here R a few things I want..low Medical insurance, consumption tax, no deficit, MORE jobs, less Welfare, MORE charity, LESS government.
— Kirstie Alley (@kirstiealley) August 31, 2012
Hmmm … more jobs, less welfare, and less government?
To quote @Gov_Martinez "I'll be damned, we're Republicans" RT @TabithaHale: Dear @kirstiealley: I don't think you're a Democrat anymore. 😉
— #NeverTrump Meredith (@Mermaz) August 31, 2012
@kirstiealley You sound like a republican. Better not tweet that too loudly. Remember you live in Hollywood. 🙂
— Kim (@OCKim84) August 31, 2012
Jon Lovitz has been learning to embrace his inner conservative. Can Alley be far behind?
“@jwdoke: @kirstiealley Are you *SURE* you're a Democrat??!?”
lol…I'm a bit of a hybrid…probably,in truth, I'm more of an Independent
— Kirstie Alley (@kirstiealley) August 31, 2012
I would have voted for Ron Paul.. fire at will…;)
— Kirstie Alley (@kirstiealley) August 31, 2012
Well, nobody’s perfect. Hehe.
Come to our side, Kirstie! We’re a pretty fun bunch!
(h/t @MattWolking)
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