Well, well, well, what do you know? Once our government stopped killing chickens to somehow prevent the Bird Flu (because apparently, only chickens pose a risk to human beings?) egg prices started to come down. We get it, Democrats are still fussy because when egg prices were so high during Biden's administration, it was because of inflation, not the magical Bird Flu we haven't heard anything about since Joe left office.
It's almost as if they knew killing millions of chickens would keep egg prices from going down so they could complain about Trump and pretend it wasn't their fault our country was in economic turmoil for the last four years.
So much for that talking point. We've lost count of the number of times Elizabeth Warren has shrieked about the cost of eggs since Trump took office. Of course, she didn't say a single word about the cost of eggs or food in general when Biden was still in office.
How convenient.
FUN FACT: Egg prices would not have skyrocketed if Joe Biden didn't KlLL the chickens. - @GuntherEagleman
Fun fact: Democrats like Joe don't care who they hurt as long as they can continue to blame the other party for their problems. See COVID.
Egg prices are now *LOWER* than they were when Donald J. Trump assumed office.
Pre-Jan. 20, 2025: $6.12/dozen
March 10, 2025: $6.08/dozen
And Trump's strategy hasn't even had time to work fully yet.
Chickens are getting to the age where they can start laying again. Who knew?
Despite Joe Biden killing 166 million chickens before leaving office, the price of eggs is now cheaper than when Trump took office. - @RepMikeCollins
The world is beginning to heal.
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