Over the years, I have been called basically EVERYTHING by my pals on the left. And if I'm being completely honest, when I first started speaking up politically, some of the insults would bother me. I suppose getting attacked for the way you look would bother anyone, but man, those first few years were horrible for me, especially since I have a fairly substantial overbite. Looking back, though, I wouldn't be 'Politibunny' if a fairly angry gay waiter in Wisconsin who was arguing with me about the teacher's unions there hadn't said, 'Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids' to me.
It's true. At the time, I was devastated, but then I decided to use it and, well, the rest of history.
Long story short, the Left likes to call names and accuse people of being horrible things when they don't get their way. Heck, all of us on the Right learned this when Obama was in office, and any time we disagreed with him, we were called RACISTS. Then with Hillary (who lost, thank God), we were sexist ... and then with Trump, we were called Nazis, white nationalists, and traitors for supporting him.
See the trend? They take it up a notch as an insult or label becomes more meaningless.
Sort of like how they've been claiming anyone who doesn't agree with the trans movement is pro-genocide.
No, really, watch:
The word “genocide” - like “fascist”, “racist” or any of the -phobe conjugations- has lost its power due to overuse and terrible application. People with brains just don’t believe this anymore https://t.co/e1K2udIPYW
— Jon 🔬 (@JonnyMicro) March 4, 2025
Bingo. You'd think they would eventually figure this out but ... nope. They still can't seem to understand why they lost so massively in November.
She MAD! Maxine Waters Tries Forcing Her Way Into HUD to Deliver Anti-DOGE Letter and HOOBOY (Watch)