Democrats and the Left really really REALLY want to make any American who voted for Trump feel bad about his win, that somehow, someway we chose poorly and HA HA HA, we'll be sorry! Take for example, Trump's inauguration being moved indoors. For whatever reason they think this is SUPER MEAN and horrible even though the weather is supposed to be really awful PLUS, you know, two attempts on his life already.
And when that doesn't bother us, they point out how many Democrats (and even Republicans) are refusing to attend.
Again, we just don't care.
Scott Jennings nailed it plus reminded the audience who is looking for unity and peace, and who is NOT.
Does it matter that some Dems are skipping the inauguration? And why are others rushing to meet with Trump? We discuss on @cnn last night (hint: people respond to leadership and now we finally have some)
— Scott Jennings (@ScottJenningsKY) January 17, 2025
Hint, he's right.
People are tired of the division, the hate, the fighting. People are tired of having a joke of a president with God only knows who pulling the strings. Americans are ready to live in AMERICA again, if that makes sense.
And the CNN harpies just can't deal.
It should matter because it’s a direct message to their supporters. They need to be banned from social media for the attack on democracy. Those are the rules.
— Burt Macklin (@BurtMaclin_FBI) January 17, 2025
How DARE Jennings push for unity and peace?! The nerve!
Well said. Now if your panel mates weren’t so damn condescending
— JBA Meet me in the Middle extremes are Bad (@AdlerJoelle) January 17, 2025
Condescending is putting it nicely.
Exactly, Scott. It must be a real challenge working with people who are so negative and mostly wrong.
— marriedtooyoung (@marriedtooyoung) January 17, 2025
Hey, if they want to do Americans a favor and get TF out of the way so the man we elected can get to work fixing the mess the Democrats have made of our country over the past four years, more power to them.
Let's go.
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