Before I even get started (or you jump to the comments section to yell at me for criticizing YOUR candidate), let me preface this by saying I am still Team REPUBLICAN and whoever takes the nod gets my support. Even if there are some candidates I'm not a huge fan of on the Right, they are a bazillion-million-trillion times better than Biden or any other Democrat.
Even Chris Christie.
That one's tough. And Pence?
Yeah, even those two. Biden is a train wreck and the Democratic Party is a hot mess of awful and getting more awful by the day.
All of that being said, I'm also not really sure about Vivek Ramaswamy. AGAIN, before you jump down there and yell at me give me a chance ...
While none of our candidates are perfect (if I'm being honest, I have issues with every one of them in one way or another) there are a few red flags going up that and my radar won't stop going off.
For example ...
NEW: Ramaswamy was already millionaire when he accepted Soros award he said he needed to pay for law school
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) August 22, 2023
Ramaswamy reported $2.2M income during same year he accepted Soros scholarship
Now, I don't have a problem with someone who has money applying for a scholarship and winning it - but the Soros award? For reals? Yeah ... yikes.
And then there's this:
Vivek Ramaswamy was not misquoted in my story. Here is the unedited audio and a transcript of our exchange about 9/11 and January 6:
— John Hendrickson (@JohnGHendy) August 22, 2023
Does this necessarily make him a 9/11 truther? Eh, I dunno. It was a CNN interview and an article from The Atlantic who famously lied about Trump saying horrible things about our troops so I am taking that with a grain of salt.
Not to mention this:
Vivek Ramaswamy wants to impose a massive death tax on every American, cites avowed socialist Thomas Piketty to make the case for government stealing the fruits of your life's work.
— Jordan Schachtel @ (@JordanSchachtel) August 21, 2023
You don't want this guy anywhere near your Cabinet.
Then there's the messy business around the claims that Ramaswamy only came into the race to hurt DeSantis.
I get it, it's a primary, not a baby shower - they're going to swing and punch and likely say and do horrible stuff to one another but still.
Maybe it's the whole singing thing at the county fair ... admit it, that was WEIRD.
Looking forward to seeing him debate, hearing what he has to say, and seeing if he can clear up some of these concerns I have. And even then, if he somehow beats Trump or any other candidate running, I'll support him.
Simple as that.