John Fugelsang probably doesn’t remember, but a long time ago he followed me on Twitter. I don’t know when or why he stopped following me (probably when I wrote something ‘mean’ about him on Twitchy since we’re such meanies) but I find it really hilarious that he’s playing the victim NOW.
Of our site.
Of me.
Especially when he spends so much time attacking other people, namely Christians.
The latest tweet (that he’s been using for a long, long, long time) was about how Christian Nationalists will be SHOCKED to learn that Jesus is not white and that he was homeless, and a liberal, blah blah blah. Note, he has basically sent this same tweet out multiple times over the years. I guess if something works for him he should stick with it? Although this time I’m not so sure it’s working for him.
And now he’s fussy with Twitchy.
And me.
Oh, he deleted it … luckily the Internet is forever.
Profoundly amoral?
Subservient to Trump?
I can see why he deleted that … what a mess.
Hey, I was nice. I’m always nice.
And I always smile.
You need a tissue? 🙂
— 👻The🐰FOO🎃 (@PolitiBunny) September 27, 2022
Does that mean I win? Because I think that means I win.
It’s kinda funny to be called amoral by an immoral prick.
— Saturn's Rings (@Saturnrisin) September 27, 2022
— Scott Coleman (@bandphan) September 27, 2022
Many times? I read twitchy every day and I have no clue to who this guy is.
— San Soo Guy (@Idahoguy74) September 27, 2022
Oh Noes! He Runned Away and deleted the tweet!
— Wendell T. Manatee's pet toxic war monkey (@Christo56146950) September 27, 2022
Gosh, maybe he figured out that whining about our little amoral site was stupid.
Too late, of course.
If he actually read our hateful little site he’d realize deleting his tweet was the worst thing he could do …
I should probably thank him – he gave me a great VIP piece today.