Sounds like ‘new disinformation’ just dropped. Cue the Ministry of Truth’s Mary Poppins …
Talk about a hot mess:
New disinformation just dropped. Calling Kamala Harris a woman who slept her way to the top or pointing out that Ilhan Omar married her brother on paper to ease his immigration are both forms of “Russian disinformation.”
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) May 6, 2022
Gender tropes.
Racist tropes.
Except, Nina, those stories about Kamala and Ilhan aren’t exactly false and we’re pretty sure Russians didn’t make Kamala hook up with Willie Brown.
Russia Russia Russia.
This is @DHSgov …no, seriously…this is the "ministry of truth", not the Onion or a comedy sketch…it's real (and GREAT!)
You can only imagine how far the US has declined in education with these lunatics in charge…biggest shitshow ever. #DHS #MinistryOfTruth
— Tolerance Exceeded (@AustinFailed) May 6, 2022
This all feels like it should be some sort of joke from The Babylon Bee, right?
But no, this is the person the Biden administration thinks should be in charge of ‘disinformation.’ Notice how she’s only pointing out disinformation to defend a certain party.
It’s official. The lunatics are running the asylum.
— NoBrakes (@twolanerodeo) May 6, 2022
Yeah, well, we knew that.
Except most of those stories are actually true or partially true.
Even if they aren't not, it's not the government's job to tell us what truth is. Her office is unconditional and she needs to be removed ant the Disinformation Governance Board needs to be dissolved.
— Rev. Alan – Patriotic Minister (@Navypatriotic) May 6, 2022
If Trump had formed a group like this the Left would have lost their ever-loving minds.
Notice that she only uses people saying negative things about Democrats in her disinformation tirade.
We are witnessing Orwell's 1984 #MinistryOfTruth, come in to view.
— Mike Townsend (@miketow70210566) May 6, 2022
Look at her roll those eyes and flap those hands. How anyone can take her seriously about anything is insane.
DoN'T QuESTiOn tHe DiSInFoRMaTiOn fRoM tHe MiNiStRy oF DiSInFoRMaTiOn.
— An Nguyen (@Liftingnreading) May 6, 2022
Do AnD tHiNk As YoU’rE tOlD, serf!
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