Clearly, many people just do not trust the government when it comes to the vaccine.
This thread, which is pretty damn epic, does an exceptional job of explaining WHY and what they should do differently..
Take a look.
I did political messaging at a very high level. This would be a catastrophic failure in every way.This is what happens when
people with no clue how political messaging works try to suggest messaging to the Vaccine hesitant.Let me explain how this actually works 🧵
— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) August 1, 2021
Get a snack, this is sorta long but well worth your time.
When you are doing messaging to try and persuade people of something, guilt only works if they buy into your premises and moral framework. If people think you're guilting them cynically they won't be persuaded, their views will harden and the messaging will have backfired.— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) August 1, 2021
Guilt only works if they buy into your premise.
Remember the talking points about how people were killing grandma?
Keep going.
Persuasion requires people to trust you.Regular people are concerned about how power will be used against them. If they think you don't respect them they start thinking you will use power against them, and they will distrust you.
Then they become impossible to persuade.
— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) August 1, 2021
Impossible to persuade.
You need to know your audience, validate their concerns, and treat them with respect if your goal is to persuade.If you think announcing your credentials and expertise will persuade a single vaccine hesitant person to get vaccinated you have no clue how messaging works.
— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) August 1, 2021
The entire enterprise of changing minds relies on trust.If people don't trust you nothing you say matters. If people don't trust you they view you the same way they view a used car salesman and your persuasion attempts will only serve to increase their skepticism of vaccines
— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) August 1, 2021
If you want people to trust you, don't "there has been a lot of misinformation about vaccines from your uncle on facebook so ignore him," because that's not why people are skeptical. They are skeptical because the messaging has been contradictory, inconsistent, and cynical…— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) August 1, 2021
In other words, our pals on the left, in the media, in public health, and the government have done the exact opposite of what they should.
But you guys knew that already.
They watched the medical community call for the closing churches while supporting the george floyd protests. They saw politicians go to restraunts and hair salons withlut masks while regular people had their businesses closed. They watched the media constantly get it wrong…— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) August 1, 2021
Cuomo was cheered when he was nowhere close to even competent, and theg watched Desantis get the gears even though he was nowhere close to the worst.This is why they are skeptical.
Unless you admit their skepticism is justified you'll **NEVER** persuade them.
— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) August 1, 2021
Also, remember whst these people have put up with:-lost jobs
-lost businesses
-crushing isolation
-depressionYou need to earn their trust.
And unless you admit **YOUR** mistakes that will never happen.— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) August 1, 2021
So, what will actually work?"We are sorry. We blew it at the start when we said masks don't help.
It turns out they do.
We blew it when we said closing the border was racist.
It was actually a good idea.
We blew it with the vaccine roll out.
We didn't explain it well…"— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) August 1, 2021
They will never ever admit they screwed up.
And will continue screwing up because of just that.
Once you've done that your messaging is:
"We have earned your scorn and distrust. That is our fault. As a gesture of good will, we will not force you to take it."This will take abuse of power off the table, and that will open them up to hearing you out.
— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) August 1, 2021
"The vaccines work. They do have side effects, and sometimes they can be severe. I want to say that first, so that you know and can make and informed decision. It is important thst you have all the informstion. Even the downsides."Note how I am not "fact checking" them.
— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) August 1, 2021
Ding ding ding.
I am not treating their concerns as trivial nor am I acting like a pretentious know it all holier-then-thou smarty pants. I am not placing myself above them nor am I condemning them. I am telling them they do have concerns that must be addressed.Next…
— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) August 1, 2021
We’re not sure they know how NOT to act holier-than-thou but fair point.
"The severe side effects are rare. They exist, but no more than with the flu shot or the malaria vaccine. The vaccine makes most people.immune to covid. About 95% of people who get vaccinated never get Covid. Most vaccines are like this. There is always a small group of…— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) August 1, 2021
Vaccinated people who get sick anyway. However, it still means that once you take it you really lower your risk for Covid. There are exceptions, again 95% is not 100%, and there will still people who get it and pass it on, but it really lowers your risk of getting sick."— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) August 1, 2021
Notice what I did? I did not oversell the vaccine effectiveness. I didn't threaten people with another lockdown, I did not do any of that.This type of messaging will be effective.
— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) August 1, 2021
This means the ding-dongs who should use it won’t.
"The vaccine isn't perfect, and will not make Covid go extinct. What it will do is lower the odds of people getting Covid, and if enough people do that we can make most of the Covid go away, and we can lower the risks of Covid for people. Given how prevelant Covid is…— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) August 1, 2021
And that the severe vaccine side effects are no more common than with other vaccines, this is the best and safest way to protect yourself from Covid."Again, notice that I don't talk down to people, threaten them with sanctions, or shame them.
— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) August 1, 2021
This is the type of messaging thst can work, but only if it is consistent and done properly….and it will take time to work. These people have blown their credibility and that takes time to get back.One last thing….
— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) August 1, 2021
You need to remember that you have no God given right to power. You have power because the people gave it go you when they trusted you, and they can take it away just as quickly. Your power has been given to you on loan form the people…don't act like you own it./fin
— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) August 1, 2021
Don’t act like you own it.
So much THIS.
Too bad blue states and Biden himself haven’t figured this out yet.
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