Poor Rick Wilson. First Facebook fact-checks The Lincoln Project’s crap ‘Mourning in America’ Trump-ad and then the Justice Department drops the case against Flynn.
It certainly does seem to be raining crap all over the King of Never Trump.
All of that being said, he’s probably handling it all pretty well, right?
I'm in a goddamn mood.
— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) May 7, 2020
Guess not.
Right there with you.
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) May 7, 2020
A TWOFER! All we need is a follow-up tweet from Jennifer Rubin weeping and accusing Trump of killing eleventy billion people and we’d have a hat trick.
C’mon, he has to know with how smug and awful they’ve all been over the last FOUR YEARS that people would come by to rub salt in his wounds.
This couldn’t have surprised him.
Mom catch you fapping again?
— AmERICan ?????? (@Flipper628) May 8, 2020
Dude, bad visual.
Did you blame it on those stupid rube rednecks from the South?
— Bocephus (@lordthx1139) May 8, 2020
— Chrispy (@candyisyummy333) May 8, 2020
Piss off, Benedict.
— Reuenthal_800 (@MAurelius161180) May 8, 2020
When AREN'T you in a mood?
— Ge?rge Wept (@GeorgeWept) May 8, 2020
You mean you're F*CK'd.
— ReachOut&GrappleKaren (@MagicalCapers) May 8, 2020
— David Hof (@swisstexas) May 8, 2020
— Dan ?? (@danieltobin) May 8, 2020
Getting a henhouse full of egg on your face often results in moods.
— “Yorktanan”❌ (@yorktanan) May 8, 2020
— Robert, Dread Pirate III (@I_am_Thatman) May 8, 2020
— American Occidentalist (@AmericanOccidnt) May 8, 2020
Perhaps a Midol, dear?
— Lizzy Lou Who ?? (@_wintergirl93) May 8, 2020
Not sensing a whole lot of sympathy here, Rick.
Just sayin’.
Grab a box of Kleenex and some bon-bons, cupcake.
It’s only going to get worse.
??— Davis (@GIass_Onion) May 8, 2020
Worse? Only for Rick and his gaggle of Never Trumpers.
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