Obvious attention troll is obvious.
Note, we typically do not cover ‘randos’ on Twitter because the person using the account may or may not be who they say they are BUT when a tweet or thread is either just that good or just that bad, we make an exception.
Like this repugnant thread from ‘Michael Kingsbury’ crapping all over the US military.
The biggest babies in the world are the US Army solider who I pay to feed and clothe and wipe their ass, because they don't go out and get a real job.
The more that come home in body bags from their global subjugation mission, the better.
I pay for their homes and babies. pic.twitter.com/4AckWL8f4V
— Michael Kingsbury (@Celtic_Films) January 8, 2020
Yeah yeah, we get it, he’s trying to get attention likely for his crap films but we’re pretty sure this isn’t how you convince people to become a ‘fan’.
Then we have these sob stories: "Oh they couldn't find jobs so they had to join the military".
Not on my dime they don't.
Tough shit. Go get a job.
— Michael Kingsbury (@Celtic_Films) January 8, 2020
Being a soldier is a job and when they’ve served their country we owe them.
This is not difficult.
Oh that's right they aren't joining to go overseas.
They're joining to be paid by me to sit on their asses here in the States and raise little cute stupid globalist families.
— Michael Kingsbury (@Celtic_Films) January 8, 2020
Man, we thought these accounts all went to Gab.
This antisemitic, anti-military, anti-Anerican jerk’s timeline is full of antisemitic tweets. There’s a category for that. Go to work. https://t.co/jtoGqlYcK1
— Stacey (@ScotsFyre) January 9, 2020
The ‘global’ dig is a clue …
What's amusing is at Annapolis they teach you discipline.
All I'm seeing in this thread is a lack of discipline.
— Michael Kingsbury (@Celtic_Films) January 9, 2020
Awful, right?
This editor did check out his so-called movies and they seem just about as awful as the guy who made them. No wonder he’s so cranky.
You must make tens and tens of dollars.
— Chad Prather (@WatchChad) January 9, 2020
C’mon, be fair. Dozens and dozens of dollars.
After all the gulag film genre is where it's at
— Malarkey Dinklefwat (@stgolling) January 9, 2020
Attention is a hell of a drug.
— D. K. USA?? (@DeniseK_USA) January 9, 2020
Better men than you lie beneath those flags.
— Slightly Salty Major (@anccpt) January 9, 2020
You are offensive…and you can thank MEN like my son for that Right. #KAG2020
— ??PatriQtsWinning?? (@LacrosseMom27) January 9, 2020
This is what happens when you desperately want attention but are completely devoid of any talent.
— prop op (@ProperOpinion) January 9, 2020
And true.
Young men & women will volunteer & forfeit their lives to protect your freedoms even after your petulant tirade, because, God Bless them, that's what America service members do.
— Stiles Bitchley ✫✫ (@WeWhoDieSaluteU) January 9, 2020
You know why he's saying it on twitter folks? Because there are many things Twitter is, but what Twitter isn't? Is "to their face"
— Dan (@LawoftheGator) January 9, 2020
I challenge you to stand nose to nose with one of these “big babies”, tell them they aren’t doing a real job and that you hope they come home in a body bag. I don’t think you have half the courage it would take to do that, which is a fraction of the courage they have daily.
— ?RantingGeorgiaPeach ?✨ (@RantingGAPeach) January 9, 2020
We’re going to guess Kingsbury wouldn’t be so tough if he came face-to-face with one of these ‘big babies.’
Wow. So. Much. Edge. pic.twitter.com/vgsZVKsGnM
— Attack Lizard (@MingusYaDingus) January 9, 2020
So original too.
No. You pay them for their service.
You can save money and go fight for yourself.— jeffswarens (@jeffswarens) January 9, 2020
What a douche bag you are.
— Paul “TᕼE ᗷOOK GᑌY” (@PaulTheBookGuy) January 9, 2020
— House Atreides (@opiemuyo) January 9, 2020
One of the best gifs on Twitter.
Stirring up controversy to generate interest in your work, Michael? Your tweet is a desperate plea for attention.
— Brian Jackson (@brianjacksonXP) January 9, 2020
That. ^
Siri, show me the biggest piece of human garbage on Twitter.
Siri: I found this for you.— Helen Wheels (@txtiger1) January 9, 2020
If this guy was looking for attention, he got it. Granted, it’s really really really really horrible attention for a really really really horrible thread but still … it’s attention.
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