Nancy Pelosi is losing it.
She snapped at James Rosen during a presser for asking if she hates Trump (c’mon, we know they all do), claiming that her Catholic faith prevents her from hating people. As a Catholic, this editor will tell you that there is no faith out there that literally prevents someone from hating … it just doesn’t exist. Humans are fallible, and our religion has zero to do with ‘hating’ people or not.
Besides, if she were truly that devoted to her Catholic faith she most certainly would not support abortion or tax payers funding it.
Dana Loesch came out swinging:
Her faith prevents her from hating anyone but not from supporting taxpayer-funded abortion on demand
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) December 5, 2019
Nancy is what we call a Cafeteria Catholic. She picks and chooses which parts of the faith she’ll ‘take’ and apparently she’s not allowed to hate people but it’s ok to abort them.
Or something.
Dana continued.
Well you certainly don’t show them love by bearing false witness.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) December 5, 2019
So many booms here.
Sorry @SpeakerPelosi, it is our PERCEPTION that you hate @realDonaldTrump! And if PERCEPTION of the Ukraine phone call is good enough to impeach Trump, then our perception of you is good enough to accuse you of hating Trump!#PelosiHatesTrump
— General Zod (@gunns_peter) December 5, 2019
This whole impeachment sham has felt very personal and hateful from the get-go. They’d be better off admitting they hate him not only for being a Republican but also for beating Hillary in 2016. At least then it would feel ‘sincere’, ya’ know?
Seems like any heretic can walk around saying "I'm a Catholic" now and feel no amount of the hellfire awaiting them (according to the dusty unread books containing their own professed religious dogma).
— ARC (@ARCartoons) December 5, 2019
She is a good, practicing Catholic though she believes that killing babies is OK. She believes that charity begins at home meaning at her home. She doesn't hate Trump just would be pleased if he and all of his family suffered long, painful lingering deaths .
— Joe (@joe_lipiecjm) December 5, 2019
Think she prays for all those homeless people in her district?
— MB (@MJB1103) December 5, 2019
Wow, Nancy’s terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad day just keeps getting worse and worse.
And it’s just getting started.