It’s amazing (and not in a good way) that this tweet from Elizabeth Warren claiming Michael Brown was murdered by a white police officer is still up.
5 years ago Michael Brown was murdered by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri. Michael was unarmed yet he was shot 6 times. I stand with activists and organizers who continue the fight for justice for Michael. We must confront systemic racism and police violence head on.
— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) August 9, 2019
And she has yet to answer for or correct it which most of the media has been ignoring.
Or are they?
Sure, we here at Twitchy have written a good many articles on Warren and Harris’ gross lies (sounds like Beto may have repeated it also), but we haven’t seen much from our Leftist pals in the media. Until this tweet from Slate’s Will Saletan.
Sen. Warren, in this tweet you repeated a criminal accusation that was refuted years ago by forensic evidence and an Obama DOJ report ( Fact checkers have flagged your tweet and sought comment from you.
It's 3 days later. Will you retract the accusation?
— Will Saletan (@saletan) August 12, 2019
As of now, she has not.
But considering that even more traditionally Left-leaning publications are starting to push back on her?
Thank you Will. For integrity.
— Larry1914 (@Larry1914) August 12, 2019
It is seemingly a rare thing indeed these days.
Sorry, but Michael Brown was murdered so @EWarren is correct
— ⚖✊☯TheMissingLink(larry)☮?☸ (@ItheMissingLink) August 12, 2019
Oh, good gravy.
Yeah, Eric Holder & his racist DOJ were probably just covering for the police. That makes sense.
— Brad_Philly (@Brad_Philly) August 12, 2019
Pretty sure if Obama’s DOJ could’ve found a way to prove Brown was indeed murdered by a white cop they would have done so.
But on that note, seeing the majority of responses to Will’s tweet we’re pretty sure we know why we haven’t seen Warren correct and/or apologize for her blatant lie.
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