Hey, at least he left the unicorn costume at home, right? That’s what he was dressed up as … or was it a fox? Rabbit? Ugh, who cares.
Beto O’Rourke couldn’t wait to play the ‘woke kid’ card to somehow blame Trump for the horrendous shooting that took place in Christchurch, New Zealand.
.@BetoORourke begins his Mt. Pleasant event addressing the massacre in New Zealand: pic.twitter.com/6EWzcpTsSP
— Iowa Starting Line (@IAStartingLine) March 15, 2019
Ruh-roh, Beto just offered his thoughts and prayers. Don’t anyone tell AOC!
There was more to his speech … wait, is he on the counter AGAIN?
Asked about being a progressive, Beto brings up Teddy Roosevelt (cc: @bagniewski), says can’t have democracy work with having the economic extremes like the early 1900s. Talks about $15/hour min wage, universal healthcare, racial economic disparities #IACaucus pic.twitter.com/Zn9ANPj2Qx
— Iowa Starting Line (@IAStartingLine) March 15, 2019
It’s going to be a long two years.
.@BetoORourke asked about his votes in Congress.
Talks about his work on veterans healthcare: “I don’t know where you fix that on the political spectrum,” but says he needed to work w/ Republicans. “The perfect never becomes the enemy of the good … that’s the way I work.” pic.twitter.com/k7jlFRbp9a— Iowa Starting Line (@IAStartingLine) March 15, 2019
And by working with Republicans he means blaming Trump for a shooting he had nothing to do with.
Asked if he considers himself a socialist, Beto says, “I’m a capitalist but there’s a lot more we need to do to make sure this capitalist system is just,” talks about the structural racism in America’s capitalist system #IACaucus pic.twitter.com/XgNoig59Co
— Iowa Starting Line (@IAStartingLine) March 15, 2019
And look at those hands GO.
Beto O’Rourke weighs in on NZ mosque shooting, goes after Trump: “We want to make sure that the kindness & decency & respect we show each other…is reflected in our politics in our democracy in our leadership today. Sadly it is not…”
— Alexandra Jaffe (@ajjaffe) March 15, 2019
That seems like harsh and unwarranted indictment of New Zealand politics.
Reminder: NZ's Prime Minister is 38 year old progressive woman who took 6 weeks maternity leave while in office. https://t.co/N7Mo8ns8vf
— Drew McCoy (@_Drew_McCoy_) March 15, 2019
Beto is missing the point that this was about some crazy man and not Trump or government BUT he has some agenda to push and some votes to pander for so we’re not entirely surprised.
Annoyed, but not surprised.
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