If you ever really want to see a bunch of unhinged crazy on Twitter, all you have to do is have a logical suggestion for what SJWs should do if Roe is ever overturned. They will lose their GD minds and attack you for offering them really good pointers should it ever occur.
And odds are Roe isn’t going anywhere … unfortunately.
Abortion truly is the golden calf of feminists and SJWs.
Look how they reacted to Chad Felix Greene pointing out that even if Roe was overturned it would just go back to the states to decide and most states would uphold some access to abortion. Perhaps not the unhindered, unfettered, on-demand abortion these folks want but still.
If Roe is overturned the regulation will fully return to the states which means the ppl can vote on what that looks like.
Why live in fear of something that is unlikely to ever happen and would not impact you in any way you fear if it somehow did?
You can influence your state. https://t.co/vJogGThcLG
— Chad Felix Greene (@chadfelixg) October 18, 2018
Working locally and at the state level for policy is way easier than trying to do it on a national level.
Good advice, Chad.
Progressivism: pic.twitter.com/cAuND687ID
— Chad Felix Greene (@chadfelixg) October 18, 2018
RAR RAR RAR! She’s so edgy.
Note, most of these strong women have this editor (another strong woman) blocked.
Girl power and stuff.
Why is this kind of a response always from a Chad?!?
— Maggie Klaus (@Maggie_Klaus) October 18, 2018
Why is this kind of response always from a rage-harpy?
Maybe because the basic bodily autonomy of half the ppl in the country should not be something other ppl get to *vote* on, Chad prsn.
— Kristi Coulter (@KristiCCoulter) October 18, 2018
Blah blah blah.
What about the bodily autonomy of the unborn?
Hey Chad, guess what? You don’t get an opinion on this because this doesn’t affect your body.
— Erin (@_ErinLee) October 18, 2018
Way to go.
Sure. Let’s let all the whites make all the decisions for the non-whites. Since that’s worked so well.
— Anni Bruno (@Anni_Bruno) October 18, 2018
Yeah, who cares about women and their lives.
— ODETTE (@oroulettedetno1) October 18, 2018
Yeah, who cares about unborn women and their lives.
#selfawareness pic.twitter.com/LFrQszavXx
— Chad Felix Greene (@chadfelixg) October 18, 2018
They have zero self-awareness.
Maybe less than zero.
Progressivism. *sigh*
He CAN’T be serious! Chuck Schumer tells a WHOPPER about GOP tax cuts (let the dragging begin!)
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