Laurence Tribe seems cranky.
Ok, he’s not special.
Many on the Left seem a tad unhappy today. We know, it’s hard to tell considering they spend most days unhappy anyway, but today they seem especially fussy. Could it be that the Democrats’ ‘Hail Mary’ may have failed and Brett Kavanaugh could be confirmed to SCOTUS before the weekend is out?
For example, Larry wrote this tweet:
When the history of this era (2012-2052) is written, a major controversy will focus on this question: Who did the most harm to the American Dream: Donald Trump or Mitch McConnell?
— Laurence Tribe (@tribelaw) October 4, 2018
From the New York Times:
Mr. McConnell realizes the political risks, but the Supreme Court looms large with him. He has been nearly obsessed with the court since, while a young Senate staff member, he watched the Senate refuse to confirm not one, but two nominees of President Richard M. Nixon’s.
With all that he has at stake, Mr. McConnell’s allies expect him to give it his all.
Considering the majority of Americans believe Kavanaugh should be confirmed at this point …
And paging Bill Clinton.
Give us a break, Larry.
Harry Reid and the American media that is all too happy to amplify the lies told by Democrats on a daily basis.
— Ron Barker (@wrongnowshutup2) October 4, 2018
I think you misspelled – harm to the Leftists that were trying to ruin our Republic.
— Steven The InFFFFFFidel (@estbom) October 4, 2018
Bill Clinton, and those who supported him.
— John Doiron (@jfd1965) October 4, 2018
Or the democrat party?
— Mark Boone (@markboone219) October 4, 2018
Wrong. It’s Barack Obama or HRC.
— Mad Dog Bryant (@BryantMD2) October 4, 2018
Boy, you've really jumped the shark into crazy town, haven't you?
— Keith ??? Burton (@bbeekk321) October 4, 2018
You have NO idea.
C. Neither.
— Beer Ranger Boofing Zone (@mecantyping) October 4, 2018
Or D. Stop tweeting.
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