In case you missed it, the Left really really really really really doesn’t like it when someone in their ‘protected classes’ speaks out against the narrative and acts like their own person. Whether it’s a woman, minority or a gay individual, for whatever reason the Left seems to think they own these people, and if they stray they must be destroyed.
And few people take as much flack in the LGBTQ arena than Chad Felix Greene:
I don't 'want' to be normal.
I am normal.
I am average.
Nothing special.
Regular, American.
I am not married to a woman so I don't see where you get that I live a 'heterosexual' lifestyle.You seem to be stuck in your own prejudicial views of how life is.
Most ppl are normal.
— Chad Felix Greene (@chadfelixg) April 12, 2018
What is normal? Psh, is anyone normal?
These days it’s really not all that shocking to see two men or two women married to one another, and it’s certainly not out of the norm for someone to be gay. But when your whole movement is dependent on there being hatred and division guess you’ll keep on pushing the notion that gay people are ‘different.’
And if someone says otherwise, you’ll shut them down.
Like this guy tried to do with Chad:
When you're a right wing faggot and someone who probably only follows you because you talk shit about gay people finds out you're gay.
— Scott K (@ScottK_NYC) April 12, 2018
So gay people can only be one party.
— Chad Felix Greene (@chadfelixg) April 12, 2018
Alrighty then.
Is there any other explanation for why you called a gay man a faggot other than you are a dyed-in-the-wool douche? @chadfelixg
— 6catsNcounting (@HeroineRipley) April 12, 2018
To remind him he's still one of us, like it or not.
— Scott K (@ScottK_NYC) April 12, 2018
To put him in his place, right?
'One of us'
I am an individual.
I think for myself.
I am not a hateful, bigoted, vindictive, angry and bitter intolerant cult member so weighed down by his own remarkable ignorance and prejudice he thinks he can tell all gay people how they are supposed to think.— Chad Felix Greene (@chadfelixg) April 12, 2018
You have to think alike? That's just embarrassing for you.
— Mo Mo (@molratty) April 12, 2018
Its almost like Chad is comfortable with who he is. I thought that's what everyone wanted.
— Dan ?? (@danieltobin) April 12, 2018
Only if they’re comfortable with the narrative labeling them and putting them all in the same bucket first.
"one of us". Lol. The need for tribalism is strong in this one.
— Viva La Vida! (@Dave_In_CLT_NC) April 13, 2018
Unlike you and you "community" or whatever, not everyone likes being shoved into a group and being identified by a single personality trait of anything else. So no. He's not "StIlL oNe Of YoU" and neither am I or any other gay person out there.
— Mr Jakenus (@DaJacobReturns) April 13, 2018
When will people figure out that being ‘special’ isn’t being equal, and it never will be? And we thought the whole pride movement was about equality.
Chad reminds us all that individuals are more important than any movement when it comes to freedom and that it is the individual who will ultimately make the change they want to see in the world.
Not some parade or protest.
VILE: Dana Loesch WHOOPS gun-grabber so BADLY with just 1 WORD it deletes the tweet (we got it!)
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