As Twitchy reported earlier, Samantha Power and her buddies had their britches in a serious wad the night Hillary lost to Trump on election night 2016… and it will go down in Twitter history as one of the funniest political reveals of our time. Knowing they all gathered to celebrate Hillary’s win, only to lose their shiznit when Trump won, these are the moments Twitchy editors live for.
Brit Hume happened upon another outlet’s coverage of the story (for shame!) and had just a few words for Power:
Samantha, get a grip. The quotes mentioned here are, well, you just have to read them.
— Brit Hume (@brithume) January 15, 2018
Get a grip.
It’s like Brit is speaking to the entire Left with just those few words.
You all need to GET A GRIP.
I'm going to print this out and whenever I get depressed, I'm gonna give it a quick read as a pick-me-up.
— M Lynne Simon (@mlysimonsen) January 15, 2018
Good times.
So I take it that this means "milk the soft power dividend of the moment" is not going to make it into your stable of stock phrases to use……..
— djm1992 (@djm1992a) January 15, 2018
Drink ’em up, folks.
Reality is a hilarious mistress.
Just when I think I had enough of Trump, the Left makes me glad again that Hillary lost.
— David (@TotalRecall9) January 15, 2018
OMG: Samantha Power’s tale of triggering as Hillary lost is nothing short of schadenfreude GOLD
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