Planned Parenthood has gone into full social justice desperation since their “ace” failed to get elected in 2016. Sure, they’ve been grossly annoying for years and years but recently their tweets have peaked with stupid.
They’re so busy making victims out of women who want to have abortions that they unintentionally tweeted something that could be used AGAINST abortion and as a result, against themselves.
No one should fear that those entrusted to protect them will harm them without accountability. Freedom from violence is reproductive justice
— Planned Parenthood Action (@PPact) May 2, 2017
Hrm. No one should fear those entrusted to protect them … sounds like the unborn to us. Shouldn’t the innocent be able to trust their mother to protect them?
This is an unintentional argument against abortion.
— James Martin, SJ (@JamesMartinSJ) May 4, 2017
Or a little footnote somewhere? *Unborn babies are just clumps of cells and stuff so they don’t count.*
The anti-life crowd was all too predictable on Father Martin’s tweet:
No. It's an intentional argument for female agency.
— its not me (@FancyLaRue79) May 4, 2017
You're confused.
A Fetus can't feel fear so no, it is not an argument against abortion intentional or otherwise.— Called it. (@TheTruePooka) May 4, 2017
Interesting how those of us who have already been born like to pretend they know what the unborn feel.
Not really. I understand your position on this, but please dont go after PP, specially during the current times, they're all mils of wm have
— HDM (@HanniaD) May 4, 2017
Absolutely not true. And it’s beyond sad that Planned Parenthood has been able to push this horrible narrative which robs women of receiving the best care. Selfish.
Not at all- it is choice. A fetus with a fatal anomaly , or implanted in fallopian tune will endanger mother –
— Rev. Marie (@GaryMillrat) May 4, 2017
What the? #Ghoul
Health of the mother accounts for less than 2% of all abortions, wish these people would stop using them to push abortion for convenience.
That women aren't equal to male counterparts is an unintentional argument for abortion. #Catholic
— Kelly N. Kofron ?? (@KellyKofron) May 4, 2017
Ok, that’s it. The editor working on this piece literally JUST CAN’T.
Contrary to headlines, juror insists woman was not convicted for laughing during Sessions hearing
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) May 4, 2017
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