Worried about who to vote for in November? NEVER FEAR! Iowahawk has the best suggestion yet …
I encourage everyone to go to the polls in November and write yourself in. #You2016
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) October 2, 2016
See, Burge really IS with you. And why not, you’re you, and you should be proud of being you. Right?
I want my face on the cover of Time.
— Rightward Therapist (@coninexile) October 2, 2016
Sounds fair. Do you want it to be a cartoon where you’re melting or some other more complimentary photo?
Hrm … wait, this brings up a good point though. Running for president is NO fun because someone, somewhere always hates you. So do you really want to vote for you?
This is officially getting complicated.
will do pic.twitter.com/prCRUzLJGI
— Sewardesque (@Sewardesque) October 2, 2016
By choosing yourself you can put that knife down, youngster. Yay!
no way, I'm writing *you* in #Iowahawk2016
— Mic (@mherlhy0816) October 2, 2016
This is actually an even better idea. It’s been a long while since we actually had a president who understands politics, the Constitution and still has a sense of humor. We like it. #Iowahawk2016.
thanks I've had a good year
— Sean (@SeanWats) October 2, 2016
Sean, you really have. That one thing you did with that one person in that one town that one time? DUDE, epic.
If I win can I have Britney Spears for VP? #HA!
— General Kanye_Trump. (Space Force)? (@Barack_McBush) October 2, 2016
WIN! And why not, she’d be just as good as Weld or Jill Stein’s guy, who we can never remember.
But is he running as Kylo or Ben? This will be an important factor for the Star Wars demographic – that and this can get tricky because some Star Wars people don’t like the new stories and prefer the traditional take.
Yes, we are dorks, carry on.
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