Many Emmy Awards viewers are noticing a disturbing trend on the red carpet, stage, and in the audience. Hollywood is starving itself.
#Emmys too skinny arms are not attractive #etv
— Marnie Backer (@MarnieKK) September 22, 2013
Claire Danes is WAY too skinny. Not feelin it. #sorry #emmys
— Teresa Marie (@Teresa612) September 22, 2013
E News reporter asks "What are u wearing?" "Oh this is a new designer, Skip Ameal. It's from his starving collection" #RedCarpet #Emmys
— Jon Zondervan (@jonzondervan) September 22, 2013
SMH–Julie Bowen talking about starving to fit into her dress. Nice message about body image. #Emmys
— maggielmcg (@maggielmcg) September 22, 2013
Every time @RyanSeacrest celebrates an actress starving herself for a dress, 1 in 6 Americans goes hungry! #Emmys
— Nina Bargiel, Anti-Facist. BLM. (@slackmistress) September 22, 2013
Skeleton is the new skinny #Emmys
— ryan wekwert (@ryanwekwert) September 23, 2013
Guilianna needs a filling meal #too skinny #Emmys
— Joy Dorn (@JoyD824) September 22, 2013
Is it just me or are all of these women incredibly and awkwardly skinny? Lots of skin and bones at the 65th #Emmys tonight.
— LindsayLogue (@LindsayLogueTV) September 23, 2013
Woah, Anna Gunn is soon skinny…what happened? #Emmys #BreakingBad
— Shane Button (@shanebutton) September 23, 2013
Nope, it’s not just you!
Public service announcement:
Attention all women: Most men do not like rail thin women. Please eat a cheeseburger. Trust me, it's OK. #Emmys
— Booth (@jjb70) September 23, 2013
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