Yep. Who are the extreme ones? It’s clear that the fringe are Planned Parenthood butchers and those who support them. Speaking of those who support them, what’s with the conspicuous silence, Hillary Clinton?
Breaking vacation silence to note that the Planned Parenthood videos r repulsive beyond words. Cut off funding. Ask @HillaryClinton 4 react
— Hugh Hewitt (@hughhewitt) July 21, 2015
The lapdog media won’t ask questions, but we will.
BLOOD MONEY: In 2009 @HillaryClinton headlined a big Planned Parenthood @PPFA conf, saying "I admire Margaret Sanger enormously."
— Laura Ingraham (@IngrahamAngle) July 21, 2015
As for blood money, Live Action’s Lila Rose has one simple question for Hillary Clinton:
Total silence from @HillaryClinton on #PPSellsBabyParts, illegal partial-birth abortions. Is it because HRC campaign getting $$ from @PPact?
— Lila Rose (@LilaGraceRose) July 21, 2015
Do tell, Hillary.
Amanda Marcotte’s spin for Planned Parenthood is truly insane; Here’s how it’s quashed with ONE word
Why is Lamborghini trending? Just when you thought Planned Parenthood couldn’t get more depraved …
MONSTERS part 2: Butchery HAGGLING? This 2nd shocking Planned Parenthood video will make you sick
Did Planned Parenthood seriously just call Scott Walker THIS? (Hint: Truth-booms ensue) [photo]
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