Indeed he is. As Twitchy reported, sneering at faith was the topic of the day. Specifically, Scott Walker’s faith.
Sigh. Well, take heart, Governor Walker. This is just more proof that you have libs running scared.
Hot Air’s Ed Morrissey schooled the Political Wire fool. This ONE truth-boom was enough to clobber his entire alleged argument:
It's called "prayer," and I do it often. RT @politicalwire: @lachlan I don't pretend I can talk with God. But perhaps Scott Walker can.
— Ed Morrissey (@EdMorrissey) February 24, 2015
Amen, Mr. Morrissey.
But Morrissey graciously continued with a little lesson in faith.
@politicalwire @lachlan Serious answer: Christians do this all the time. It's called "discernment." I spent 2 years discerning on diaconate.
— Ed Morrissey (@EdMorrissey) February 24, 2015
@politicalwire @lachlan And Walker's correct in that you don't always get an answer, and it's certainly not in transcript form.
— Ed Morrissey (@EdMorrissey) February 24, 2015
@politicalwire @lachlan I'd be delighted to chat with you at length about this. Probably not suited for Twitter conversation. 😉
— Ed Morrissey (@EdMorrissey) February 24, 2015
Hey, you are doing just fine making your excellent case on Twitter.
@politicalwire @EdMorrissey @lachlan well, this has been very illuminating.
— Chris Moody (@moody) February 24, 2015
@moody @politicalwire @lachlan I'd rather illuminate than get annoyed. But really, this is Faith 200, if not 101.
— Ed Morrissey (@EdMorrissey) February 24, 2015
@moody I'm glad that @politicalwire engaged on the topic, too. @lachlan
— Ed Morrissey (@EdMorrissey) February 24, 2015
He wasn’t done, however:
@politicalwire @moody @lachlan I think the tone of the post was a little mocking. But like I said, happy to talk more about discernment.
— Ed Morrissey (@EdMorrissey) February 24, 2015
And as others pointed out, why weren’t the same questions posed to, say, Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton? Hmm. How very strange.
@EdMorrissey @politicalwire @lachlan ftr, I meant it was illuminating to discover Taegan's lack of understanding of these basic tenets.
— Chris Moody (@moody) February 24, 2015
We agree. Well done, Mr. Morrissey.
He brought it all home with another little lesson:
@politicalwire Welcome to the Colisseum, my friend. 😉 @moody @lachlan
— Ed Morrissey (@EdMorrissey) February 24, 2015
‘Total disdain’: What these media lapdogs think of Scott Walker, people of faith will make you fume
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