Ha! Avoid irresponsibility? Donna Brazile cannot do that, since it is a day ending in “y.” As Twitchy reported, she has been upping her idiocy with absurd lies about the GOP “scheme” to frighten people over Ebola. She did it again this morning. Here’s her tweet, in case you missed it:
Yes, they want you to be afraid, but evidently not of the things that can really harm you. #HopeOverFear
— Donna Brazile (@donnabrazile) October 12, 2014
.@donnabrazile And who exactly is "they" and why?
— Teri S. (@digiteri) October 12, 2014
@donnabrazile "They"?What we're afraid of is being lied 2 by people(Dems) who lied 2us repeatedly & obviously don't care about Americans.
— Charlotte Whitaker (@ChaWhitaker) October 12, 2014
Don’t worry about the utter incompetence of the CDC and the Obama administration, folks! Nothing to see here, move along. Don’t question anything either, according to a HuffPo lapdog (he must have received Brazile’s memo).
@donnabrazile You mean things like #Ebola #terrorism Iranian nukes Russian & Chinese aggression & a #potus that golf & fundraises not leads?
— ??#IAmTheNRA Rosenblum (@StevenRosenblum) October 12, 2014
Speaking of Obama, Glenn Reynolds entered the mix and torched Brazile’s idiotic lies with one simple question.
Donna Brazile: Don’t worry about Ebola; ‘they want you to be afraid’
‘All that stuff IS scary’: Donna Brazile flamed over ‘GOP’s scheme to frighten America’
Guess what John McCain wants Obama to do about Ebola (Hint: WTF?)
If you still think Ebola isn’t highly contagious, Joe Scarborough has a reminder for you
The Obama admin, CDC won’t like this Ebola truth-snark from Sharyl Attkisson, but you will!
‘Trying to CAUSE epidemic?’ This food delivery to Ebola family is truly unbelievable [photos]
News chopper caught Ebola clean-up crew; Um. Notice anything missing? (It’s enraging) [photo]
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