Times a thousand! In case you missed it, take a look at what happened when author Jason Mattera cornered the disgraceful and disgraced former IRS head Lois Lerner:
In an unguarded moment, Lerner reveals just how much she gives a damn about another person's privacy or wishes http://t.co/kyqcmNrL4r
— Jason Mattera (@JasonMattera) October 7, 2014
.@JasonMattera finds #TeaParty-targeting Lois Lerner, who doesn't appreciate the targeting: http://t.co/dma6rlg1fE
— Michael Johns (@michaeljohns) October 7, 2014
Beautiful! Some argue this is the best part:
@JasonMattera Best part of interview is hearing an old man basically yell"get off my lawn"to Lerner! Expect it Lois, people havent forgotten
— Nick | Short (@PoliticalShort) October 7, 2014
More from The Daily Surge:
“She keeps badgering an innocent woman with zero regard for her wishes. It’s an incredible crystallization of Lerner’s character or lack thereof.”
The natural question the viewer asks, he notes, is, “If she’s willing to barge into a person’s home, how much more so is she willing to barge into a conservative’s IRS records to inflict her personal will?”
Eventually, the elderly woman’s husband sees Lerner’s antics and kicks her off his property. “Out. Out!” he demanded.
Bingo. Twitter users can’t get enough of the awesome video.
So wonderful to see her squirm! I wish I could have been Jason at that moment, putting her in her place! @chrismcm66 @JasonMattera
— Carole Gilman (@CaroleGilman) October 7, 2014
@JasonMattera @michellemalkin Love it! Karma is a b*tch.
— Marilyn (@AgnesClaire) October 7, 2014
??????❤️❤️❤️☀️ ==>> @JasonMattera
— Leslie ن (@LADowd) October 7, 2014
@JasonMattera @michellemalkin I just checked the depths of my soul, and… Nope! feel no sympathy. Not a shred.
— JD (@CheesyZingers) October 7, 2014
@JasonMattera this is gold, Jason! Excellent work!
— ol' Bill Deal (@chrismcm66) October 7, 2014
It really is gold.
But here’s a prediction:
It’s not funny, because it could be true.
Yes, please! More to come?
Congrats & can't wait! @MT @JasonMattera: Last night's Hannity. Opening salvo. More #Crapitalism revelations to drop. http://t.co/0LOEURJUFj
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) October 7, 2014
We can’t wait either! In the meantime, Jason Mattera’s latest book, “Crapitalism: Liberals Who Make Millions Swiping Your Tax Dollars,” is now available and is a must-read.
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