Heh. Fox News’ Greg Gutfeld often takes a ribbing over his height. A recent photo posted by the “Fox & Friends” Twitter feed congratulated the “Red Eye” and “The Five” host for finally being taller than someone: FNC meteorologist Maria Molina.
Finally – @greggutfeld is taller than someone! @FoxMariaMolina! #betterwithfriends pic.twitter.com/NPaEAFDmGL
— FOX & friends (@foxandfriends) March 21, 2014
Oh my!
@foxandfriends @greggutfeld @FoxMariaMolina LOL She had to take her shoe off!
— Mike Darancette (@Mhdaran) March 21, 2014
@foxandfriends @greggutfeld @FoxMariaMolina before I scrolled down, I figured Maria was barefoot, and Greg was in heels !!
— Peter Ford (@PeterJFordFLA) March 21, 2014
Some fans were mystified by the photo.
Whoa! You look gigantic Greg. Is Maria shorter than @DanaPerino? @greggutfeld @FoxMariaMolina
— ??American Pug? (@AmericanPugs) March 22, 2014
@foxandfriends @greggutfeld @FoxMariaMolina I didn't think it was possible. This must be photoshopped
— Nasal Probe (@SGabanyic) March 21, 2014
@foxandfriends @greggutfeld @FoxMariaMolina amazing what u can do w photoshop in a few seconds
— Epa 'FSB BOT' Minondas (@WTEpaminondas) March 21, 2014
@greggutfeld is really short therefore @FoxMariaMolina must be like 4 foot nothing.
— Reed Mesmer (@MasterMesmer) March 21, 2014
What is more important? Smokin’ height (ish) or smokin’ hot? Viewers deem Maria Molina the clear winner.
@foxandfriends cute! No I don't mean you @greggutfeld >>@FoxMariaMolina
— Victor Anderson (@victorAnderson1) March 22, 2014
@greggutfeld Who needs a Weather Channel app when you can just carry around @FoxMariaMolina in your pocket.#GreatThingsComeInSmallPackages
— meatcandyNY (@MIKEPAC99) March 21, 2014
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