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Synced spin! Ezra Klein, others: GOP 'sabotaging' Obamacare; Well, then: 'Proceed'

Embrace the power of “and.”


Waxman is clearly just following suit: Welcome to synced scapegoat spin! As Twitchy reported, Juan Williams upped the ludicrous by attempting to pin the Obamacare website failures on … Republicans. Sigh.

MSNBC flat-out showed its bias-induced insanity by having a chryon that read “GOP flubs Obamacare launch.” White House Obamacare flack @HealthCareTara tried to spin failures as just GOP whining when she retweeted a pitiful Oliver Willis tweet.

And deranged liberals on Twitter blamed the nefarious Kochspiracy, natch. The Democrat mayor of Elizabeth, N.J., joined in the Obamacare website trutherism as well. 

The insanity continues:

Uh, yes you are.


That’s right. Bless your heart-y Ezra Klein gets in on the absurd action as well, natch.



Stop making sense. That doesn’t suit. Because, idiotic analogies or something:


Oh, honey.

Klein gets schooled, as always.





Yes, please. That was painful.



Heh. That should be enough said.

These Twitter users bring it all home.




And some exit advice for dastardly “saboteurs”:


Brilliant! Keep it coming and stop the disaster known as Obamacare.


Dude! The Dem mayor of Elizabeth, NJ, is an Obamacare website truther; Update: Tweet quietly deleted

Juan Williams: GOP’s ‘massive opposition’ to blame for broken Obamacare website

Deranged liberals blame Obamacare website failures on nefarious Kochspiracy

Pitiful: ‘Choke on this, peasants!’ WH Obamacare flack retweets Oliver Willis GOP-slam

Guess the cable network: Chyron announces, ‘GOP flubs Obamacare launch’ [pic, video]

Synced scandal spin! Lapdogs concern troll GOP by parroting Dem word of the day: ‘Overreach,’ guys

‘Biden tying his own shoes’? #Overreach: No need to reach for mockery of media’s synced scandal spin

You’ll go blind from that! Synced scandal spin redux: New term of the day is ‘overplaying hand’

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