The sad part? The fact that he has faced some actual questions is news, as Kirsten Powers points out.
Asking a press secretary questions? That’s crazy talk! So cuckoo pants that now media outlets have made that the story.
Becoming unfettered at the seams. Reporters pummel WH press sec. Jay Carney with scandal questions. @washingtonpost:
— Marlene Hendrickson (@mhendrickson14) May 15, 2013
Has Carney's relationship with WH press corps changed as a result of this week's issues? @dylanbyer thinks so –
— Larry Akey (@LarryAkey) May 15, 2013
#FreeJayCarney RT @thefix: Jay Carney took more than 60 questions at the daily press briefing today.
— Chris Bentson (@chrisbentson) May 14, 2013
Boo-hoo! His “tough day.”
The first two years of his tenure as White House press secretary were a relative cake-walk: his talking points were solid, the issues were manageable, and the press corps was largely acquiescent.
Uh. You don’t see that as a problem? The lack of self-awareness is staggering.
@kirstenpowers10 It says that our liberty has been forfeited so that the press core can party with Obama andmaybe get intro to Jayz/ beyonce
— Richard Valenzuela (@valrich79) May 15, 2013
It says the lapdog media recused itself. “@kirstenpowers10: What does it say that 5 years in … WH press sec is getting tough questions?
— Roger Noriega (@rogernoriegaUSA) May 15, 2013
@kirstenpowers10 I wonder if some reporters are thinking, 'damn, it feels good to ask questions again. I've missed this. Oh, it's my job!"
— TheAnchoress (@TheAnchoress) May 15, 2013
@kirstenpowers10 @ExJon It actually asks a question, how long will it be before those same apparatchiks apply the ignore and bury tactics.
— Stinkin' Feckless, Deplorable Catholic Hillbilly (@1cst1tsc) May 15, 2013
Nope! In the next Politico paragraph, hand wringing ensued. Oh, poor Carney! How admirable he is.
Three days into a changed environment in the briefing room, they say they admire how he has held his ground, deflecting reporters inquiries while at the same time maintaining the cool, no-drama demeanor that has long been a defining feature of the Obama White House.
Wait, there’s more gushing:
So far, Carney has withstood the recent grilling. Though he rarely gives reporters the answers they’re looking for, he hasn’t made any gaffes, has defended his boss fairly well, and hasn’t lost his composure.
What? Evidently, while they attended the briefings, they clearly did not hear anything. They were probably far too busy swooning over Jay Carney’s photo montage … of himself.
Huh? WH reporters "admire" Carney's stonewalling?
— Michael C. Short (@michaelcshort) May 15, 2013
This story is also known as a circle jerk. RT @DylanByers Jay Carney's 'moment of truth' … via @POLITICO
— Michael Rentiers (@michaelrentiers) May 15, 2013
#HeadDesk RT @philipaklein @DylanByers reports WH corros "admire how (Carney) has held his ground"
— Sean Geary Higgins (@SeanGHiggins) May 15, 2013
Poor lapdogs are afraid they’ll be sent to the doghouse. For doing their alleged jobs.
Clown Carney charm offensive flop: Jay Carney brings photo montage of himselfto briefing
Mockery gold: Empty chair becomes empty podium; ‘Where in the world is Jay Carney?’ [pics]
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Zing! Brit Hume places odds on Carney’s ‘repetition sweepstakes’; Blasts excuses
While Carney dodges reporters’ questions, tweeters list things Jay Carney DOES know
#Unfettered and meme-licious: Jay Carney totally ‘appreciates’ the unfettered mockery gold
Blame Fox News! Sniveling twit Jay Carney spins for Obama on AP scandal
State of denial: Jay Carney unwilling to admit that IRS targeted conservative groups
Dead and circuses: Like President Sideshow, Clown Carney calls Benghazi a ‘political circus’
#ReasonsCarneyIsLate: Why is Clown Carney late for briefing? Scrawling in his tear-stained diary?
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